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  ASP - Active Server Page
Autor Assunto:  Problema em abrir arquivo TEXTO
Postada em 21/01/2005 11:11 hs            
Galera, to com um problema ao abrir arquivos texto:
dim objeto, gv
Set objeto= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set gv = objeto.OpenTextFile("cont.txt", ForReading, True, False)
contador = (7)
response.write (contador)
no IIS fica carregando e não abre, já no servidor da erro ao criar o objeto...
eu li numa apostila q tinha de dar a instrução:
<!--#include file=""-->
mas onde encontrar o arquivo FOBJVBS.INC???
se alguem puder me ajudar, descupem a bagunça, é q digitei com um pouco de pressa...
Pontos: 2843
Postada em 21/01/2005 14:58 hs         
Olá, veja:
Microsoft® Scripting Library - FileSystemObject
Sample Code
The sample code described in this section provides a real-world example that demonstrates many of the features available in the FileSystemObject object model. This code shows how all the features of the object model work together, and how to use those features effectively in your own code.
Note that since this code is fairly generic, some additional code and a little tweaking are needed to make this code actually run on your machine. These changes are necessary because of the different ways input and output to the user is handled between Active Server Pages and the Windows Scripting Host.
To run this code on an Active Server Page, use the following steps:

Create a standard Web page with an .asp extension.
Copy the following sample code into that file between the <BODY>...</BODY> tags.
Enclose all the code within <%...%> tags.
Move the Option Explicit statement from its current position in the code to the very top of your HTML page, positioning it even before the opening <HTML> tag.
Place <%...%> tags around the Option Explicit statement to ensure that it's run on the server side.
Add the following code to the end of the sample code:
Sub Print(x)
  Response.Write "<PRE><FONT FACE=""Courier New"" SIZE=""1"">"
  Response.Write x
  Response.Write "</FONT></PRE>"
End Sub
The previous code adds a print procedure that will run on the server side, but display results on the client side. To run this code on the Windows Scripting Host, add the following code to the end of the sample code:
Sub Print(x)
 WScript.Echo x
End Sub
The code is contained in the following section:

' FileSystemObject Sample Code
' Copyright 1998 Microsoft Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.
Option Explicit
' Regarding code quality:
' 1) The following code does a lot of string manipulation by concatenating short
'    strings together with the "&" operator. Since string concatenation
'    is expensive, this is a very inefficient way to write code. However, it is a very        
'    maintainable way to write code, and is used here because this program performs extensive 
'    disk operations, and because the disk is much slower than the memory operations required to
'    concatenate the strings. Keep in mind that this is demonstration code, not production code.
' 2) "Option Explicit" is used, because declared variable access is slightly faster than    
'    undeclared variable access. It also prevents bugs from creeping into your code, such as
'    when you misspell DriveTypeCDROM as DriveTypeCDORM.
' 3) Error handling is absent from this code, to make the code more readable. Although
'    precautions have been taken to ensure that the code will not error in common cases, file
'    systems can be unpredictable. In production code, use On Error Resume Next and the
'    Err object to trap possible errors.
' Some handy global variables
Dim TabStop
Dim NewLine
Const TestDrive = "C"
Const TestFilePath = "C:Test"
' Constants returned by Drive.DriveType
Const DriveTypeRemovable = 1
Const DriveTypeFixed = 2
Const DriveTypeNetwork = 3
Const DriveTypeCDROM = 4
Const DriveTypeRAMDisk = 5
' Constants returned by File.Attributes
Const FileAttrNormal  = 0
Const FileAttrReadOnly = 1
Const FileAttrHidden = 2
Const FileAttrSystem = 4
Const FileAttrVolume = 8
Const FileAttrDirectory = 16
Const FileAttrArchive = 32
Const FileAttrAlias = 64
Const FileAttrCompressed = 128
' Constants for opening files
Const OpenFileForReading = 1
Const OpenFileForWriting = 2
Const OpenFileForAppending = 8

' ShowDriveType
' Purpose:
' Generates a string describing the drive type of a given Drive object.
' Demonstrates the following
' - Drive.DriveType
Function ShowDriveType(Drive)
 Dim S
 Select Case Drive.DriveType
 Case DriveTypeRemovable
  S = "Removable"
 Case DriveTypeFixed
  S = "Fixed"
 Case DriveTypeNetwork
  S = "Network"
 Case DriveTypeCDROM
  S = "CD-ROM"
 Case DriveTypeRAMDisk
  S = "RAM Disk"
 Case Else
  S = "Unknown"
 End Select
 ShowDriveType = S
End Function
' ShowFileAttr
' Purpose:
' Generates a string describing the attributes of a file or folder.
' Demonstrates the following
' - File.Attributes
' - Folder.Attributes
Function ShowFileAttr(File) ' File can be a file or folder
 Dim S
   Dim Attr
 Attr = File.Attributes
 If Attr = 0 Then
  ShowFileAttr = "Normal"
  Exit Function
 End If
 If Attr And FileAttrDirectory  Then S = S & "Directory "
 If Attr And FileAttrReadOnly   Then S = S & "Read-Only "
 If Attr And FileAttrHidden     Then S = S & "Hidden "
 If Attr And FileAttrSystem     Then S = S & "System "
 If Attr And FileAttrVolume     Then S = S & "Volume "
 If Attr And FileAttrArchive    Then S = S & "Archive "
 If Attr And FileAttrAlias      Then S = S & "Alias "
 If Attr And FileAttrCompressed Then S = S & "Compressed "
 ShowFileAttr = S
End Function

' GenerateDriveInformation
' Purpose:
' Generates a string describing the current state of the available drives.
' Demonstrates the following
' - FileSystemObject.Drives
' - Iterating the Drives collection
' - Drives.Count
' - Drive.AvailableSpace
' - Drive.DriveLetter
' - Drive.DriveType
' - Drive.FileSystem
' - Drive.FreeSpace
' - Drive.IsReady
' - Drive.Path
' - Drive.SerialNumber
' - Drive.ShareName
' - Drive.TotalSize
' - Drive.VolumeName
Function GenerateDriveInformation(FSO)
 Dim Drives
 Dim Drive
 Dim S
 Set Drives = FSO.Drives
 S = "Number of drives:" & TabStop & Drives.Count & NewLine & NewLine
 ' Construct 1st line of report.
 S = S & String(2, TabStop) & "Drive"
 S = S & String(3, TabStop) & "File"
 S = S & TabStop & "Total"
 S = S & TabStop & "Free"
 S = S & TabStop & "Available"
 S = S & TabStop & "Serial" & NewLine
 ' Construct 2nd line of report.
 S = S & "Letter"
 S = S & TabStop & "Path"
 S = S & TabStop & "Type"
 S = S & TabStop & "Ready?"
 S = S & TabStop & "Name"
 S = S & TabStop & "System"
 S = S & TabStop & "Space"
 S = S & TabStop & "Space"
 S = S & TabStop & "Space"
 S = S & TabStop & "Number" & NewLine 
 ' Separator line.
 S = S & String(105, "-") & NewLine
 For Each Drive In Drives
  S = S & Drive.DriveLetter
  S = S & TabStop & Drive.Path
  S = S & TabStop & ShowDriveType(Drive)
  S = S & TabStop & Drive.IsReady
  If Drive.IsReady Then
      If DriveTypeNetwork = Drive.DriveType Then
    S = S & TabStop & Drive.ShareName
    S = S & TabStop & Drive.VolumeName
   End If   
   S = S & TabStop & Drive.FileSystem
   S = S & TabStop & Drive.TotalSize
   S = S & TabStop & Drive.FreeSpace
   S = S & TabStop & Drive.AvailableSpace
   S = S & TabStop & Hex(Drive.SerialNumber)
  End If
  S = S & NewLine
 GenerateDriveInformation = S
End Function
' GenerateFileInformation
' Purpose:
' Generates a string describing the current state of a file.
' Demonstrates the following
' - File.Path
' - File.Name
' - File.Type
' - File.DateCreated
' - File.DateMaxAccessed
' - File.DateMaxModified
' - File.Size
Function GenerateFileInformation(File)
 Dim S
 S = NewLine & "Path:" & TabStop & File.Path
 S = S & NewLine & "Name:" & TabStop & File.Name
 S = S & NewLine & "Type:" & TabStop & File.Type
 S = S & NewLine & "Attribs:" & TabStop & ShowFileAttr(File)
 S = S & NewLine & "Created:" & TabStop & File.DateCreated
 S = S & NewLine & "Accessed:" & TabStop & File.DateMaxAccessed
 S = S & NewLine & "Modified:" & TabStop & File.DateMaxModified
 S = S & NewLine & "Size" & TabStop & File.Size & NewLine
 GenerateFileInformation = S
End Function

' GenerateFolderInformation
' Purpose:
' Generates a string describing the current state of a folder.
' Demonstrates the following
' - Folder.Path
' - Folder.Name
' - Folder.DateCreated
' - Folder.DateMaxAccessed
' - Folder.DateMaxModified
' - Folder.Size
Function GenerateFolderInformation(Folder)
 Dim S
 S = "Path:" & TabStop & Folder.Path
 S = S & NewLine & "Name:" & TabStop & Folder.Name
 S = S & NewLine & "Attribs:" & TabStop & ShowFileAttr(Folder)
 S = S & NewLine & "Created:" & TabStop & Folder.DateCreated
 S = S & NewLine & "Accessed:" & TabStop & Folder.DateMaxAccessed
 S = S & NewLine & "Modified:" & TabStop & Folder.DateMaxModified
 S = S & NewLine & "Size:" & TabStop & Folder.Size & NewLine
 GenerateFolderInformation = S
End Function
' GenerateAllFolderInformation
' Purpose:
' Generates a string describing the current state of a
' folder and all files and subfolders.
' Demonstrates the following
' - Folder.Path
' - Folder.SubFolders
' - Folders.Count
Function GenerateAllFolderInformation(Folder)
 Dim S
 Dim SubFolders
 Dim SubFolder
 Dim Files
 Dim File
 S = "Folder:" & TabStop & Folder.Path & NewLine & NewLine
 Set Files = Folder.Files
 If 1 = Files.Count Then
  S = S & "There is 1 file" & NewLine
  S = S & "There are " & Files.Count & " files" & NewLine
 End If
 If Files.Count <> 0 Then
  For Each File In Files
   S = S & GenerateFileInformation(File)
 End If
 Set SubFolders = Folder.SubFolders
 If 1 = SubFolders.Count Then
  S = S & NewLine & "There is 1 sub folder" & NewLine & NewLine
  S = S & NewLine & "There are " & SubFolders.Count & " sub folders" & NewLine & NewLine
 End If
 If SubFolders.Count <> 0 Then
  For Each SubFolder In SubFolders
   S = S & GenerateFolderInformation(SubFolder)
  S = S & NewLine
  For Each SubFolder In SubFolders
   S = S & GenerateAllFolderInformation(SubFolder)
 End If
 GenerateAllFolderInformation = S
End Function
' GenerateTestInformation
' Purpose:
' Generates a string describing the current state of the C:Test
' folder and all files and subfolders.
' Demonstrates the following
' - FileSystemObject.DriveExists
' - FileSystemObject.FolderExists
' - FileSystemObject.GetFolder
Function GenerateTestInformation(FSO)
 Dim TestFolder
 Dim S
 If Not FSO.DriveExists(TestDrive) Then Exit Function
 If Not FSO.FolderExists(TestFilePath) Then Exit Function
 Set TestFolder = FSO.GetFolder(TestFilePath)
 GenerateTestInformation = GenerateAllFolderInformation(TestFolder)
End Function

' DeleteTestDirectory
' Purpose:
' Cleans up the test directory.
' Demonstrates the following
' - FileSystemObject.GetFolder
' - FileSystemObject.DeleteFile
' - FileSystemObject.DeleteFolder
' - Folder.Delete
' - File.Delete
Sub DeleteTestDirectory(FSO)
 Dim TestFolder
 Dim SubFolder
 Dim File
 ' Two ways to delete a file:
 FSO.DeleteFile(TestFilePath & "BeatlesOctopusGarden.txt")
 Set File = FSO.GetFile(TestFilePath & "BeatlesBathroomWindow.txt")
 ' Two ways to delete a folder:
 FSO.DeleteFolder(TestFilePath & "Beatles")
 FSO.DeleteFile(TestFilePath & "ReadMe.txt")
 Set TestFolder = FSO.GetFolder(TestFilePath)
End Sub
' CreateLyrics
' Purpose:
' Builds a couple of text files in a folder.
' Demonstrates the following
' - FileSystemObject.CreateTextFile
' - TextStream.WriteLine
' - TextStream.Write
' - TextStream.WriteBlankLines
' - TextStream.Close
Sub CreateLyrics(Folder)
 Dim TextStream
 Set TextStream = Folder.CreateTextFile("OctopusGarden.txt")
 TextStream.Write("Octopus' Garden ") ' Note that this does not add a line feed to the file.
 TextStream.WriteLine("(by Ringo Starr)")
 TextStream.WriteLine("I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus' garden in the shade,")
 TextStream.WriteLine("He'd let us in, knows where we've been -- in his octopus' garden in the shade.")
 Set TextStream = Folder.CreateTextFile("BathroomWindow.txt")
 TextStream.WriteLine("She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (by Lennon/McCartney)")
 TextStream.WriteLine("She came in through the bathroom window protected by a silver spoon")
 TextStream.WriteLine("But now she sucks her thumb and wanders by the banks of her own lagoon")
End Sub
' GetLyrics
' Purpose:
' Displays the contents of the lyrics files.
' Demonstrates the following
' - FileSystemObject.OpenTextFile
' - FileSystemObject.GetFile
' - TextStream.ReadAll
' - TextStream.Close
' - File.OpenAsTextStream
' - TextStream.AtEndOfStream
' - TextStream.ReadLine
Function GetLyrics(FSO)
 Dim TextStream
 Dim S
 Dim File
 ' There are several ways to open a text file, and several ways to read the
 ' data out of a file.  Here's two ways to do each:
 Set TextStream = FSO.OpenTextFile(TestFilePath & "BeatlesOctopusGarden.txt", OpenFileForReading)
 S = TextStream.ReadAll & NewLine & NewLine
 Set File = FSO.GetFile(TestFilePath & "BeatlesBathroomWindow.txt")
 Set TextStream = File.OpenAsTextStream(OpenFileForReading)
 Do  While Not TextStream.AtEndOfStream
  S = S & TextStream.ReadLine & NewLine
 GetLyrics = S
End Function

' BuildTestDirectory
' Purpose:
' Builds a directory hierarchy to demonstrate the FileSystemObject.
' We'll build a hierarchy in this order:
' C:Test
' C:TestReadMe.txt
' C:TestBeatles
' C:TestBeatlesOctopusGarden.txt
' C:TestBeatlesBathroomWindow.txt
' Demonstrates the following
' - FileSystemObject.DriveExists
' - FileSystemObject.FolderExists
' - FileSystemObject.CreateFolder
' - FileSystemObject.CreateTextFile
' - Folders.Add
' - Folder.CreateTextFile
' - TextStream.WriteLine
' - TextStream.Close
Function BuildTestDirectory(FSO)
 Dim TestFolder
 Dim SubFolders
 Dim SubFolder
 Dim TextStream
 ' Bail out if (a) the drive does not exist, or if (b) the directory being built
 ' already exists.
 If Not FSO.DriveExists(TestDrive) Then
  BuildTestDirectory = False
  Exit Function
 End If
 If FSO.FolderExists(TestFilePath) Then
  BuildTestDirectory = False
  Exit Function
 End If
 Set TestFolder = FSO.CreateFolder(TestFilePath)
 Set TextStream = FSO.CreateTextFile(TestFilePath & "ReadMe.txt")
 TextStream.WriteLine("My song lyrics collection")
 Set SubFolders = TestFolder.SubFolders
 Set SubFolder = SubFolders.Add("Beatles")
 CreateLyrics SubFolder 
 BuildTestDirectory = True
End Function
' The main routine
' Min, it creates a test directory, along with some subfolders and files. 
' Then, it dumps some information about the available disk drives and
' about the test directory, and then cleans everything up again.
Sub Main
 Dim FSO
 ' Set up global data.
 TabStop = Chr(9)
 NewLine = Chr(10)
 Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 If Not BuildTestDirectory(FSO) Then
  Print "Test directory already exists or cannot be created.  Cannot continue."
  Exit Sub
 End If
 Print GenerateDriveInformation(FSO) & NewLine & NewLine
 Print GenerateTestInformation(FSO) & NewLine & NewLine
 Print GetLyrics(FSO) & NewLine & NewLine
End Sub

Espero que estes exemplos ajudem!
Procure pelo arquivo de help no seu PC(caso tenha instalado o ms-front page 2000 ou vs studio 6.0 profissional: VBSCRIP5.CHM na pasta:
C:--Arquivos de programas--Microsoft Visual Studio--Common--IDE--IDE98--MSE--1046
lá tb. tem ajuda de asp, dhtml(html, css), jscript, embora esteja em inglês é "uma mão na roda"
Postada em 14/04/2005 13:42 hs         
Oi passoal!
Tenho exatamente a mesma dúvida e estou atrás desta solução faz muito tempo.
Alguém por favor responda ao Vinícius (se é que alguém sabe).
Não entendi os exemplos do Vilmarbr.
Postada em 14/04/2005 17:02 hs         
Finalmente consegui descobrir este mistério de meses:
Vai no IIS e clique com o botao direito no diretorio virtual, depois entre em assistente de permissões e altere para a opção SECURE WEB SITE.
Só isso...
Pontos: 2843
Postada em 15/04/2005 17:51 hs         
então vcs leram o help acima e tentaram, tentaram e mudaram a permissão para permitir escrita no diretório??
qdo for permissão e for partição NTFS, deve-se colocar os usuário iusr_nomepc / iwan_nomepc(iis), aspnet( e system(sql server) no dir onde vai ser realizadas operações do site
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