Postada em 29/08/2008 02:02 hs
Ae pessoal, resolvi postar estas dicas que deve ser de interesse de muitos desenvolvedores, aqui contém:
* Escolher Ícone do Painel de Controle do Windows * Procurar Pasta * Janela Desligar o Computador do Windows (Iniciar -> Desligar) * Janela Executar do Windows (Iniciar -> Executar) * Reiniciar o Sistema (É aquela caixa de diálogo que pergunta se você deseja reiniciar o computador para que as novas configurações tenham efeito, ideal para quem desenvolve programas de instalação)
'******************************************************** Option Explicit
Const EWX_LOGOFF = 0 Const EWX_SHUTDOWN = 1 Const EWX_REBOOT = 2 Const EWX_FORCE = 4 Const EWX_POWEROFF = 8
Const shrdNoMRUString = &H2
Private Type OSVERSIONINFO dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long dwMajorVersion As Long dwMinorVersion As Long dwBuildNumber As Long dwPlatformId As Long szCSDVersion As String * 128 End Type
Private Type BrowseInfo hwndOwner As Long pIDLRoot As Long pszDisplayName As Long lpszTitle As Long ulFlags As Long lpfnCallback As Long lParam As Long iImage As Long End Type
Private Declare Sub CoTaskMemFree Lib "ole32.dll" (ByVal hMem As Long) Private Declare Function lstrcat Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcatA" (ByVal lpString1 As String, ByVal lpString2 As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVersionExA" (lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long Private Declare Function SHRunDialog Lib "shell32" Alias "#61" (ByVal hOwner As Long, ByVal Unknown1 As Long, ByVal Unknown2 As Long, ByVal szTitle As String, ByVal szPrompt As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SHRestartSystemMB Lib "shell32" Alias "#59" (ByVal hOwner As Long, ByVal sExtraPrompt As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SHShutDownDialog Lib "shell32" Alias "#60" (ByVal YourGuess As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32" (lpbi As BrowseInfo) As Long Private Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32" (ByVal pidList As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long Private Declare Function SHChangeIconDialogA Lib "shell32" Alias "#62" (ByVal hOwner As Long, ByVal szFilename As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, lpIconIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SHChangeIconDialogW Lib "shell32" Alias "#62" (ByVal hOwner As Long, ByVal szFilename As Long, ByVal Reserved As Long, lpIconIndex As Long) As Long
Private Const VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT = 2
Private Sub ChooseIcon() 'Exibe Janela Escolher Ícone do Windows chooseIconB "shell32.dll", 0 End Sub
Private Sub BrowseForFolder() 'Exibe a Janela Procurar Pasta do Windows Dim iNull As Integer, lpIDList As Long, lResult As Long Dim sPath As String, udtBI As BrowseInfo
With udtBI .hwndOwner = Me.hWnd .lpszTitle = lstrcat("C:", "") .ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS End With
lpIDList = SHBrowseForFolder(udtBI) If lpIDList Then sPath = String$(MAX_PATH, 0) SHGetPathFromIDList lpIDList, sPath CoTaskMemFree lpIDList iNull = InStr(sPath, vbNullChar) If iNull Then sPath = Left$(sPath, iNull - 1) End If End If
MsgBox sPath End Sub
Private Sub ShutDownDialog() 'Exibe Janela Desligar o Computador do Windows SHShutDownDialog 0 End Sub
Private Sub RunDialog() 'Exibe Janela executar do Windows
Dim sTitle As String, sPrompt As String sTitle = "Iniciar um Programa" sPrompt = "Informe o nome do aplicativo." If IsWinNT Then SHRunDialog Me.hWnd, 0, 0, StrConv(sTitle, vbUnicode), StrConv(sPrompt, vbUnicode), 0 Else SHRunDialog Me.hWnd, 0, 0, sTitle, sPrompt, 0 End If End Sub
Private Sub RestartSystem() 'Exibe aquela Janela que pergunta se você quer reiniciar o pc 'para que as novas configurações tenham efeito SHRestartSystemMB Me.hWnd, vbNullString, EWX_FORCE End Sub
'Detecta se o aplicativo está executando do Windows NT Public Function IsWinNT() As Boolean Dim myOS As OSVERSIONINFO myOS.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(myOS) GetVersionEx myOS IsWinNT = (myOS.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) End Function
Private Function chooseIconB(ByRef strFile As String, ByRef lngIconNum As Long) As Boolean Dim str1 As String * 260 Dim lng1 As Long Dim lngResult As Long str1 = strFile & vbNullChar
If IsWinNT Then lngResult = SHChangeIconDialogW(Me.hWnd, StrPtr(str1), lng1, lngIconNum) Else lngResult = SHChangeIconDialogA(Me.hWnd, str1, lng1, lngIconNum) End If chooseIconB = (lngResult <> 0) If chooseIconB Then strFile = Left$(str1, InStr(1, str1, vbNullChar, vbBinaryCompare) - 1) End If End Function
Excelent Code
Postada em 29/08/2008 02:13 hs
* Além das Caixas de Diálogos Abrir e Salvar convencional o Windows possui também essas outras duas caixas de diálogo:
'*********************************************************** Option Explicit
Private Const OFN_EXPLORER = &H80000
Private Type OPENFILENAME lStructSize As Long hwndOwner As Long hInstance As Long lpstrFilter As String lpstrCustomFilter As String nMaxCustFilter As Long nFilterIndex As Long lpstrFile As String nMaxFile As Long lpstrFileTitle As String nMaxFileTitle As Long lpstrInitialDir As String lpstrTitle As String flags As Long nFileOffset As Integer nFileExtension As Integer lpstrDefExt As String lCustData As Long lpfnHook As Long lpTemplateName As String End Type
Private Declare Function GetOpenFileNamePreview Lib "msvfw32.dll" (ByRef lpofn As OPENFILENAME) As Long Private Declare Function GetSaveFileNamePreview Lib "msvfw32.dll" Alias "GetSaveFileNamePreviewA" (ByRef lpofn As OPENFILENAME) As Long Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Sub OpenFileNamePreview() 'Outra Caixa de Diálogo Abrir Arquivo que o Windows possui Dim OFN As OPENFILENAME, Ret As Long With OFN .lStructSize = Len(OFN) .hInstance = App.hInstance .hwndOwner = Me.hWnd .lpstrTitle = "Open a file" .lpstrFilter = "AVI file (*.avi)" + Chr$(0) + "*.avi" + Chr$(0) + "All files (*.*)" + Chr$(0) + "*.*" .lpstrFile = String(255, 0) .nMaxFile = 255 .flags = OFN_EXPLORER End With Ret = GetOpenFileNamePreview(OFN) If Ret <> 0 Then CloseHandle Ret MsgBox Left$(OFN.lpstrFile, InStr(1, OFN.lpstrFile, Chr$(0)) - 1) End If End Sub
Private Sub SaveFileNamePreview() 'Outra Caixa de Diálogo Salvar arquivo que o Windows possui Dim OFN As OPENFILENAME, Ret As Long OFN.lpstrTitle = "Salvar um arquivo" Ret = GetSaveFileNamePreview(OFN) If Ret <> 0 Then CloseHandle Ret MsgBox Left$(OFN.lpstrFile, InStr(1, OFN.lpstrFile, Chr$(0)) - 1) End If End Sub
Excelent Code
Postada em 29/08/2008 02:42 hs
Há também outras formas de abrir janelas do sistema executando uma linha de comando através do código Shell ou pela API Winexec, porém não possui valor de retorno:
'Abre o Painel de Controle rundll32.exe shell32.dll Control_RunDLL
'Abre a Janela Propriedades de Vídeo do Sistema na Guia "Temas" rundll32.exe shell32.dll Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,0,-1
'Abre a Janela Propriedades de Vídeo do Sistema na Guia "Área de Trabalho" rundll32.exe shell32.dll Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,0,0
'Abre a Janela Propriedades de Vídeo do Sistema na Guia "Proteção de tela" rundll32.exe shell32.dll Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,0,1
'Abre a Janela Propriedades de Vídeo do Sistema na Guia "Aparência" rundll32.exe shell32.dll Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,0,2
'Abre a Janela Propriedades de Vídeo do Sistema na Guia "Configurações" rundll32.exe shell32.dll Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,0,3
Outros arquivos CPL:
access.clp Opções de Acessibilidade appwiz.cpl Adicionar ou Remover Programas bdeadmin.cpl BDE Administrator bthprops.cpl desck.cpl Propriedades de Vídeo firewall.cpl Firewall do Windows hdwwiz.cpl Assistente para Adicionar novo Hardware inetcpl.cpl Propriedades de Internet intl.cpl Opções regionais e de Idioma irprops.cpl joy.cpl Controladores de Jogo main.cpl Propriedades de Mouse mmsys.cpl Propriedades de Sons e dispositivos de áudio ncpa.cpl Conexões de rede netsetup.cpl Assistente de configuração de rede nusrmgr.cpl Contas de usuário nwc.cpl odbccp32.cpl Administrador de fonte de dados ODBC powercfg.cpl Propriedades de Opções de energia sysdm.cpl Propriedades do Sistema telephon.cpl timedate.cpl Propriedades de Data e Hora wscui.cpl Central de Segurança do Windows wuaucpl.cpl Atualizações automáticas
Excelent Code
Postada em 29/08/2008 02:56 hs
* Paleta de Cores padrão do Windows
Option Explicit
Private Type OPENFILENAME lStructSize As Long hwndOwner As Long hInstance As Long lpstrFilter As String lpstrCustomFilter As String nMaxCustFilter As Long nFilterIndex As Long lpstrFile As String nMaxFile As Long lpstrFileTitle As String nMaxFileTitle As Long lpstrInitialDir As String lpstrTitle As String flags As Long nFileOffset As Integer nFileExtension As Integer lpstrDefExt As String lCustData As Long lpfnHook As Long lpTemplateName As String End Type
Private Type CHOOSECOLOR lStructSize As Long hwndOwner As Long hInstance As Long rgbResult As Long lpCustColors As String flags As Long lCustData As Long lpfnHook As Long lpTemplateName As String End Type
Private Declare Function CHOOSECOLOR Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "ChooseColorA" (pChoosecolor As CHOOSECOLOR) As Long
Dim OFName As OPENFILENAME Dim CustomColors() As Byte
Private Function ShowColor() As Long Dim cc As CHOOSECOLOR Dim Custcolor(16) As Long Dim lReturn As Long
cc.lStructSize = Len(cc) cc.hwndOwner = Me.hWnd cc.hInstance = App.hInstance cc.lpCustColors = StrConv(CustomColors, vbUnicode) cc.flags = 0
If CHOOSECOLOR(cc) <> 0 Then ShowColor = cc.rgbResult CustomColors = StrConv(cc.lpCustColors, vbFromUnicode) Else ShowColor = -1 End If End Function
Excelent Code
Postada em 29/08/2008 03:07 hs
'Caixa de diálogo Imprimir
Option Explicit
Private Type PRINTDLG_TYPE lStructSize As Long hwndOwner As Long hDevMode As Long hDevNames As Long hDC As Long flags As Long nFromPage As Integer nToPage As Integer nMinPage As Integer nMaxPage As Integer nCopies As Integer hInstance As Long lCustData As Long lpfnPrintHook As Long lpfnSetupHook As Long lpPrintTemplateName As String lpSetupTemplateName As String hPrintTemplate As Long hSetupTemplate As Long End Type
Private Type DEVNAMES_TYPE wDriverOffset As Integer wDeviceOffset As Integer wOutputOffset As Integer wDefault As Integer extra As String * 100 End Type
Private Type DEVMODE_TYPE dmDeviceName As String * CCHDEVICENAME dmSpecVersion As Integer dmDriverVersion As Integer dmSize As Integer dmDriverExtra As Integer dmFields As Long dmOrientation As Integer dmPaperSize As Integer dmPaperLength As Integer dmPaperWidth As Integer dmScale As Integer dmCopies As Integer dmDefaultSource As Integer dmPrintQuality As Integer dmColor As Integer dmDuplex As Integer dmYResolution As Integer dmTTOption As Integer dmCollate As Integer dmFormName As String * CCHFORMNAME dmUnusedPadding As Integer dmBitsPerPel As Integer dmPelsWidth As Long dmPelsHeight As Long dmDisplayFlags As Long dmDisplayFrequency As Long End Type
Private Declare Function PrintDialog Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "PrintDlgA" (pPrintdlg As PRINTDLG_TYPE) As Long Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (hpvDest As Any, hpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long) Private Declare Function GlobalLock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GlobalUnlock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Public Sub ShowPrinter(frmOwner As Form, Optional PrintFlags As Long) Dim PrintDlg As PRINTDLG_TYPE Dim DevMode As DEVMODE_TYPE Dim DevName As DEVNAMES_TYPE
Dim lpDevMode As Long, lpDevName As Long Dim bReturn As Integer Dim objPrinter As Printer, NewPrinterName As String
PrintDlg.lStructSize = Len(PrintDlg) PrintDlg.hwndOwner = frmOwner.hWnd
PrintDlg.flags = PrintFlags On Error Resume Next DevMode.dmDeviceName = Printer.DeviceName DevMode.dmSize = Len(DevMode) DevMode.dmFields = DM_ORIENTATION Or DM_DUPLEX DevMode.dmPaperWidth = Printer.Width DevMode.dmOrientation = Printer.Orientation DevMode.dmPaperSize = Printer.PaperSize DevMode.dmDuplex = Printer.Duplex On Error GoTo 0
PrintDlg.hDevMode = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE Or GMEM_ZEROINIT, Len(DevMode)) lpDevMode = GlobalLock(PrintDlg.hDevMode) If lpDevMode > 0 Then CopyMemory ByVal lpDevMode, DevMode, Len(DevMode) bReturn = GlobalUnlock(PrintDlg.hDevMode) End If
On Local Error Resume Next With DevName .wDriverOffset = 8 .wDeviceOffset = .wDriverOffset + 1 + Len(Printer.DriverName) .wOutputOffset = .wDeviceOffset + 1 + Len(Printer.Port) .wDefault = 0 End With
With Printer DevName.extra = .DriverName & Chr(0) & .DeviceName & Chr(0) & .Port & Chr(0) End With On Local Error GoTo 0
PrintDlg.hDevNames = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE Or GMEM_ZEROINIT, Len(DevName)) lpDevName = GlobalLock(PrintDlg.hDevNames) If lpDevName > 0 Then CopyMemory ByVal lpDevName, DevName, Len(DevName) bReturn = GlobalUnlock(lpDevName) End If
If PrintDialog(PrintDlg) <> 0 Then lpDevName = GlobalLock(PrintDlg.hDevNames) CopyMemory DevName, ByVal lpDevName, 45 bReturn = GlobalUnlock(lpDevName) GlobalFree PrintDlg.hDevNames
lpDevMode = GlobalLock(PrintDlg.hDevMode) CopyMemory DevMode, ByVal lpDevMode, Len(DevMode) bReturn = GlobalUnlock(PrintDlg.hDevMode) GlobalFree PrintDlg.hDevMode NewPrinterName = UCase$(Left(DevMode.dmDeviceName, InStr(DevMode.dmDeviceName, Chr$(0)) - 1)) If Printer.DeviceName <> NewPrinterName Then For Each objPrinter In Printers If UCase$(objPrinter.DeviceName) = NewPrinterName Then Set Printer = objPrinter End If Next End If
On Error Resume Next Printer.Copies = DevMode.dmCopies Printer.Duplex = DevMode.dmDuplex Printer.Orientation = DevMode.dmOrientation Printer.PaperSize = DevMode.dmPaperSize Printer.PrintQuality = DevMode.dmPrintQuality Printer.ColorMode = DevMode.dmColor Printer.PaperBin = DevMode.dmDefaultSource On Error GoTo 0 End If End Sub
Excelent Code
Postada em 29/08/2008 03:18 hs
* Caixa de Diálogo Escolher Fonte do Sistema, melhor que a do OCX do VB
Option Explicit
Private Type LOGFONT lfHeight As Long lfWidth As Long lfEscapement As Long lfOrientation As Long lfWeight As Long lfItalic As Byte lfUnderline As Byte lfStrikeOut As Byte lfCharSet As Byte lfOutPrecision As Byte lfClipPrecision As Byte lfQuality As Byte lfPitchAndFamily As Byte lfFaceName As String * 31 End Type
Private Type CHOOSEFONT lStructSize As Long hwndOwner As Long hDC As Long lpLogFont As Long iPointSize As Long flags As Long rgbColors As Long lCustData As Long lpfnHook As Long lpTemplateName As String hInstance As Long lpszStyle As String nFontType As Integer MISSING_ALIGNMENT As Integer nSizeMin As Long nSizeMax As Long End Type
Private Declare Function CHOOSEFONT Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "ChooseFontA" (pChoosefont As CHOOSEFONT) As Long Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (hpvDest As Any, hpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long) Private Declare Function GlobalLock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GlobalUnlock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GlobalAlloc Lib "kernel32" (ByVal wFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long
Private Function ShowFont() As String Dim cf As CHOOSEFONT, lfont As LOGFONT, hMem As Long, pMem As Long Dim fontname As String, retval As Long On Local Error Resume Next lfont.lfHeight = 0 lfont.lfWidth = 0 lfont.lfEscapement = 0 lfont.lfOrientation = 0 lfont.lfWeight = FW_NORMAL lfont.lfCharSet = DEFAULT_CHARSET lfont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS lfont.lfClipPrecision = CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS lfont.lfQuality = DEFAULT_QUALITY lfont.lfPitchAndFamily = DEFAULT_PITCH Or FF_ROMAN lfont.lfFaceName = "Times New Roman" & vbNullChar hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE Or GMEM_ZEROINIT, Len(lfont)) pMem = GlobalLock(hMem) CopyMemory ByVal pMem, lfont, Len(lfont) cf.lStructSize = Len(cf) cf.hwndOwner = Form1.hWnd cf.hDC = Printer.hDC cf.lpLogFont = pMem cf.iPointSize = 120 cf.flags = CF_BOTH Or CF_EFFECTS Or CF_FORCEFONTEXIST Or CF_INITTOLOGFONTSTRUCT Or CF_LIMITSIZE cf.rgbColors = RGB(0, 0, 0) cf.nFontType = REGULAR_FONTTYPE cf.nSizeMin = 10 cf.nSizeMax = 72 On Error GoTo 0 retval = CHOOSEFONT(cf) If retval <> 0 Then CopyMemory lfont, ByVal pMem, Len(lfont) ShowFont = Left(lfont.lfFaceName, InStr(lfont.lfFaceName, vbNullChar) - 1) End If retval = GlobalUnlock(hMem) retval = GlobalFree(hMem) End Function
Excelent Code