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  Visual Basic
Autor Assunto:  unrar
Postada em 23/07/2008 13:02 hs         
Olá, estou com problemas com a unrar.dll, eu tenho o modulo dela que extrai os arquivos .rar

Só que não sei usar esse modulo com essa DLL, quero extrair arquivos.rar que estão dentro da pasta.

Alguem pode me da uma luz?

Aqui o download do modulo e da unrar.dll:
Postada em 23/07/2008 16:35 hs            
'Eu tenho um projeto onde faço Compactação e Descompactação, mais no meu caso eu utilizo as 'dll's para ZIP. Se te ajudar esta ai o nome delas e as rotinas que utilizo.
'AUNZIP32.DLL - Descompacta
'AZIP32.DLL - Compacta
'Crieum modulo chamado "mdl_AddZip" com td isso
Option Explicit

Declare Function addZIP Lib "azip32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_Abort Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal bFlag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_ArchiveName Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal lpStr As String) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_BuildSFX Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal iFlag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_ClearAttributes Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal Int16 As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_Comment Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal lpStr As String) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_Delete Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal Int16 As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_DeleteComment Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal Int16 As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_DisplayComment Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal Int16 As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_Encrypt Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal lpStr As String) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_Exclude Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal lpStr As String) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_ExcludeListFile Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal lpStr As String) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_GetMaxError Lib "azip32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_GetMaxWarning Lib "azip32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_Include Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal lpStr As String) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_IncludeArchive Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal iFlag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_IncludeDirectoryEntries Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal flag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_IncludeFilesNewer Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal DateVal As String) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_IncludeFilesOlder Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal DateVal As String) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_IncludeHidden Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal iFlag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_IncludeListFile Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal lpStr As String) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_IncludeReadOnly Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal iFlag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_IncludeSystem Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal iFlag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Sub addZIP_Initialise Lib "azip32.dll" ()
Declare Function addZIP_InstallCallback Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal cbFunction As Long) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_Overwrite Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal Int16 As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_Recurse Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal Int16 As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_Register Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal lpStr As String, ByVal Uint32 As Long) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_SaveAttributes Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal Int16 As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_SaveRelativeTo Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal szPath As String) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_SaveStructure Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal Int16 As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_SetArchiveDate Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal Int16 As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_SetCompressionLevel Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal Int16 As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_SetParentWindowHandle Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal Hwnd As Long) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_SetTempDrive Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal lpStr As String) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_SetWindowHandle Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal Hwnd As Long) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_Span Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal Int16 As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_Store Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal lpStr As String) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_UseLFN Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal Int16 As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addZIP_View Lib "azip32.dll" (ByVal Int16 As Integer) As Integer
' Visual Basic declares file for
'     aunzip32.dll  addUNZIP 32-bit decompression library
Declare Function addUNZIP Lib "aunzip32.dll" () As Long
Declare Function addUNZIP_Abort Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal iFlag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_ArchiveName Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal filename As String) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_Decrypt Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal cPassword As String) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_DisplayComment Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal bFlag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_Exclude Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal files As String) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_ExcludeListFile Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal cFile As String) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_ExtractTo Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal cPath As String) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_Freshen Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal iFlag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_GetMaxError Lib "aunzip32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_GetMaxWarning Lib "aunzip32.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_Include Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal files As String) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_IncludeListFile Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal cFile As String) As Integer
Declare Sub addUNZIP_Initialise Lib "aunzip32.dll" ()
Declare Function addUNZIP_InstallCallback Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal fn As Long) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_Overwrite Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal iFlag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_Register Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal cName As String, ByVal iNumber As Long) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_ResetDefaults Lib "aunzip32.dll" ()
Declare Function addUNZIP_RestoreAttributes Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal iFlag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_RestoreStructure Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal iFlag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_SetParentWindowHandle Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal Hwnd As Long) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_SetWindowHandle Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal Hwnd As Long) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_Test Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal iFlag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_ToMemory Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal lpStr As String, ByVal Uint32 As Long) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_Update Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal iFlag As Integer) As Integer
Declare Function addUNZIP_View Lib "aunzip32.dll" (ByVal bFlag As Integer) As Integer

' Visual Basic constants file for
'     azip32.dll        addZIP 32-bit compression library
'     aunzip32.dll      addUNZIP 32-bit compression library
' Function declarations
'  constants for addZIP_SetCompressionLevel(...)
Global Const azCOMPRESSION_NONE = &H0
' constants for addZIP_SaveStructure(...)
Global Const azSTRUCTURE_NONE = &H0
' constants for addZIP_Overwrite(...)
' constants for addUNZIP_Overwrite(...)
Global Const azOVERWRITE_ALL = &HB
Global Const azOVERWRITE_NONE = &HC
Global Const azOVERWRITE_QUERY = &HA
' constants for addZIP_SetArchiveDate()
Global Const DATE_NEWEST = &H3
Global Const DATE_OLDEST = &H2
Global Const DATE_ORIGINAL = &H0
Global Const DATE_TODAY = &H1
' constants for addZIP_IncludeXXX attribute functions
Global Const azNEVER = &H0       ' files must never have this attribute set
Global Const azALWAYS = &HFF ' files may or may not have this attribute set
Global Const azYES = &H1         ' files must always have this attribute set
'  constants for addZIP_ClearAttributes(...)
' constants for addUNZIP_RestoreAttributes(...)
Global Const azATTR_NONE = 0
Global Const azATTR_READONLY = 1
Global Const azATTR_HIDDEN = 2
Global Const azATTR_SYSTEM = 4
Global Const azATTR_ARCHIVE = 32
Global Const azATTR_ALL = 39
' constants used in messages to identify libraries
Global Const azLIBRARY_ADDZIP = 0
Global Const azLIBRARY_ADDUNZIP = 1
' 'messages' used to provide information to the calling program
Global Const AM_SEARCHING = &HA
Global Const AM_ZIPCOMMENT = &HB
Global Const AM_ZIPPING = &HC
Global Const AM_ZIPPED = &HD
Global Const AM_UNZIPPING = &HE
Global Const AM_UNZIPPED = &HF
Global Const AM_TESTING = &H10
Global Const AM_TESTED = &H11
Global Const AM_DELETING = &H12
Global Const AM_DELETED = &H13
Global Const AM_DISKCHANGE = &H14
Global Const AM_VIEW = &H15
Global Const AM_ERROR = &H16
Global Const AM_WARNING = &H17
Global Const AM_COPYING = &H19
Global Const AM_COPIED = &H1A
Global Const AM_ABORT = &HFF
' Constants for whether file is encrypted or not in AM_VIEW
Global Const azFT_ENCRYPTED = &H1
Global Const azFT_NOT_ENCRYPTED = &H0
' Constants for whether file is text or binary in AM_VIEW
Global Const azFT_BINARY = &H1
Global Const azFT_TEXT = &H0
' Constants for compression method in AM_VIEW
Global Const azCM_DEFLATED_FAST = &H52
Global Const azCM_DEFLATED_MAXIMUM = &H51
Global Const azCM_DEFLATED_NORMAL = &H50
Global Const azCM_IMPLODED = &H3C
Global Const azCM_NONE = &H0
Global Const azCM_REDUCED_1 = &H14
Global Const azCM_REDUCED_2 = &H1E
Global Const azCM_REDUCED_3 = &H28
Global Const azCM_REDUCED_4 = &H32
Global Const azCM_SHRUNK = &HA
Global Const azCM_TOKENISED = &H46
Global Const azCM_UNKNOWN = &HFF
' Constants used in returning from a AM_QUERYOVERWRITE message
Global Const azOW_NO = &H2
Global Const azOW_NO_TO_ALL = &H3
Global Const azOW_YES = &H0
Global Const azOW_YES_TO_ALL = &H1
' Apenas para retorno das funções
Public Z As Integer

'Funções do addZIP
Function GetAction(cFrom As String) As Integer
    GetAction = Val(GetPiece(cFrom, "|", 2))
End Function
Function GetFileCompressedSize(cFrom As String) As Long
    GetFileCompressedSize = Val(GetPiece(cFrom, "|", 6))
End Function
Function GetFileCompressionRatio(cFrom As String) As Integer
    GetFileCompressionRatio = Val(GetPiece(cFrom, "|", 7))
End Function
Function GetFileName(cFrom As String) As String
    GetFileName = GetPiece(cFrom, "|", 4)
End Function
Function GetFileOriginalSize(cFrom As String) As Long
    GetFileOriginalSize = Val(GetPiece(cFrom, "|", 5))
End Function
Function GetPercentComplete(cFrom As String) As Integer
    GetPercentComplete = Val(GetPiece(cFrom, "|", 7))
End Function
Function GetPiece(from As String, delim As String, Index As Integer) As String
    'Tipo de ação retornada pelo arquivo ou compactação
    Dim TEMP$
    Dim Count As Integer
    Dim Where As Integer
    TEMP$ = from & delim
    Where = InStr(TEMP$, delim)
    Count = 0
    Do While (Where > 0)
        Count = Count + 1
        If (Count = Index) Then
            GetPiece = Left$(TEMP$, Where - 1)
            Exit Function
        End If
        TEMP$ = Right$(TEMP$, Len(TEMP$) - Where)
        Where = InStr(TEMP$, delim)
    If (Count = 0) Then
        GetPiece = from
        GetPiece = ""
    End If
End Function
'Rotinas para o addZIP
Sub Compacta(cArqCompactado As String, cArq As String)
    'Compacta um ou mais arquivos no formato WinZip
    Z = addZIP_SetCompressionLevel(azCOMPRESSION_MAXIMUM)
    Sleep (100)
    Z = addZIP_SaveStructure(azSTRUCTURE_RELATIVE)
    Sleep (100)
    Z = addZIP_Include(cArq)
    Sleep (100)
    Z = addZIP_ArchiveName(cArqCompactado)
    Sleep (100)
    'Z = addZIP_Delete(DeletarOrig)
    Z = addZIP()
    Sleep (100)
End Sub
Sub DesCompacta(cArqCompactado As String, cNomeArq As String, ExtrairPara As String, MontaDir As Boolean)
'Descompacta um ou mais arquivos no formato WinZip
    Z = addUNZIP_Overwrite(azOVERWRITE_ALL)
    Z = addUNZIP_ArchiveName(cArqCompactado)
    Z = addUNZIP_Include(cNomeArq)
    Z = addUNZIP_ExtractTo(ExtrairPara)
    Z = addUNZIP_RestoreStructure(MontaDir)
    Z = addUNZIP()
End Sub
Sub ListaConteudoArquivo(cArquivo As String)
'Lista o conteudo de um arquivo zipado.
    Z = addZIP_ArchiveName(cArquivo)
    Z = addZIP_View(True)
    Z = addZIP()
End Sub
Sub InicializaZip(F As Form, TextoZip As Control)
    On Error GoTo InializaZipError
    ' Inicializa as bibliotecas do addZIP
    ' É necessário um form e um TextBox
     Z = addZIP_SetParentWindowHandle(F.Hwnd)
     Z = addUNZIP_SetParentWindowHandle(F.Hwnd)
     Z = addZIP_SetWindowHandle(TextoZip.Hwnd)
     Z = addUNZIP_SetWindowHandle(TextoZip.Hwnd)
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Erro inicializando bibliotecas ZIP"
End Sub
Function TipoAção(nTipo As Long) As String
    Select Case nTipo
    Case AM_SEARCHING: TipoAção = "Procurando"
    Case AM_ZIPCOMMENT: TipoAção = "Comentário"
    Case AM_ZIPPING: TipoAção = "Zipando"
    Case AM_ZIPPED: TipoAção = "Zipado"
    Case AM_UNZIPPING: TipoAção = "Deszipando"
    Case AM_UNZIPPED: TipoAção = "Deszipado"
    Case AM_TESTING: TipoAção = "Testando"
    Case AM_TESTED: TipoAção = "Testado"
    Case AM_DELETING: TipoAção = "Deletando"
    Case AM_DELETED: TipoAção = "Deletado"
    Case AM_DISKCHANGE: TipoAção = "Troca Disco"
    Case AM_VIEW: TipoAção = "Visualizar"
    Case AM_ERROR: TipoAção = "Erro"
    Case AM_WARNING: TipoAção = "Aviso"
    Case AM_QUERYOVERWRITE: TipoAção = "Sobrescrever"
    Case AM_COPYING: TipoAção = "Copiando"
    Case AM_COPIED: TipoAção = "Copiado"
    Case AM_ABORT: TipoAção = "Abortando"
    Case Else
        TipoAção = "-=Desconhecido=-"
    End Select
End Function

Leandro Ramos


não registrado
Postada em 23/07/2008 16:59 hs   
Hum, mais como funciona isso? Como chamo esse modulo para meu form para ele extrair? Ele vai extrair todos os arquivos ZIP que tem na pasta? Desculpe pelas perguntas, é porque sou iniciante!

Postada em 23/07/2008 17:16 hs            
Depois que tiver criado o modulo com as rotinas e variaveis declaradas, vc chama a Função abaixo no seu form ou em outra rotina..., esta função ira descompartar todos os arquivo do arquivo zip na pasta identificada:
DesCompacta "Nome do Arquivo ZIP" , "*.*", "Path onde ira descompactar", False
obs: não esqueça de registrar as dll's no system32.

Leandro Ramos


Postada em 23/07/2008 17:25 hs            
caso não ache as dll's , acabei de disponibiliza-las no site. Acesse a parte de "Troca Arquivo" no topo do forum.
Esta postado lá como ""

Leandro Ramos


Postada em 23/07/2008 17:48 hs         
Essas DLL's precisam ficar no SYSTEM32? Pois meu projeto é um launcher + updater para um jogo online e seria muito do ruim mandar todos registrar a DLL hehehe
Se extrair é isso que penso, me corrija por favor !
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