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  Visual Basic    (Forms/MDI)

Título da Dica:  Efeito Explodindo Formulário
Postada em 24/7/2001 por shibito      Clique aqui para enviar email para o autor
'Em um módulo.bas:
Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

'No formulário:
Sub ExplodeForm(frm As Form, Optional ByVal lNumSteps As Long = 25, _
Optional ByVal lStepDuration As Long)
Dim sngLeft As Single, sngTop As Single
Dim sngHeight As Single, sngWidth As Single
Dim sngNewHeight As Single, sngNewWidth As Single
Dim sngHeightStep As Single, sngWidthStep As Single
Dim iStep As Long

On Error Resume Next

'exit if the form is minimized/maximized
If frm.WindowState <> vbNormal Then Exit Sub

'save current size and position
sngLeft = frm.Left
sngTop = frm.Top
sngHeight = frm.Height
sngWidth = frm.Width

'calc the step for the height/width increase
sngHeightStep = sngHeight / lNumSteps
sngWidthStep = sngWidth / lNumSteps

'resize the form in several steps
For iStep = 1 To lNumSteps
'calc the new height/width
sngNewHeight = sngNewHeight + sngHeightStep
sngNewWidth = sngNewWidth + sngWidthStep
' display the form
frm.Move sngLeft + (sngWidth - sngNewWidth) / 2, _
sngTop + (sngHeight - sngNewHeight) / 2, sngNewWidth, sngNewHeight
frm.Visible = True
' pause if so requested
Sleep lStepDuration

' ensure that the form is completely visible
frm.Move sngLeft, sngTop, sngWidth, sngHeight

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

   ExplodeForm Me, 50, 1

End Sub

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