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  Visual Basic    (Miscelâneas)

Título da Dica:  Classe completa de exportação VB para Excel (sem ActiveX)
Postada em 10/6/2004 por Metal God            
A classe abaixo cria planilhas compatíveis com o Excel sem usar nenhuma DLL ou componente externo, nem mesmo o próprio excel ou qualquer de suas bibliotecas. Ela implementa o padrão BIFF 2.1 e tem vários recursos como:
(*) Fontes
(*) Negrito, Italico, etc..
(*) Fórmulas
(*) Formatos (datas, Numéricos, etc...)
(*) Alinhamentos
(*) Altura de células
(*) Lock
(*) etc...

O nome da classe deve ser ExcelFile

'Class file for writing Microsoft Excel BIFF 2.1 files.

'This class is intended for users who do not want to use the huge
'Jet or ADO providers if they only want to export their data to
'an Excel compatible file.

'Newer versions of Excel use the OLE Structure Storage methods
'which are quite complicated.

'Paul Squires, November 10, 2001

'Added default-cellformats: Dieter Hauk January 8, 2001
'Added default row height: Matthew Brewster November 9, 2001

'the memory copy API is used in the MKI$ function which converts an integer
'value to a 2-byte string value to write to the file. (used by the Horizontal
'Page Break function).
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (lpvDest As Any, lpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long)

'enum to handle the various types of values that can be written
'to the excel file.
Public Enum ValueTypes
    xlsinteger = 0
    xlsnumber = 1
    xlsText = 2
End Enum

'enum to hold cell alignment
Public Enum CellAlignment
    xlsGeneralAlign = 0
    xlsLeftAlign = 1
    xlsCentreAlign = 2
    xlsrightAlign = 3
    xlsFillCell = 4
    xlsLeftBorder = 8
    xlsRightBorder = 16
    xlsTopBorder = 32
    xlsBottomBorder = 64
    xlsShaded = 128
End Enum

'enum to handle selecting the font for the cell
Public Enum CellFont
    'used by rgbAttr2
    'bits 0-5 handle the *picture* formatting, not bold/underline etc...
    'bits 6-7 handle the font number
    xlsFont0 = 0
    xlsFont1 = 64
    xlsFont2 = 128
    xlsFont3 = 192
End Enum

Public Enum CellHiddenLocked
    'used by rgbAttr1
    'bits 0-5 must be zero
    'bit 6 locked/unlocked
    'bit 7 hidden/not hidden
    xlsNormal = 0
    xlsLocked = 64
    xlsHidden = 128
End Enum

'set up variables to hold the spreadsheet's layout
Public Enum MarginTypes
    xlsLeftMargin = 38
    xlsRightMargin = 39
    xlsTopMargin = 40
    xlsBottomMargin = 41
End Enum

Public Enum FontFormatting
    'add these enums together. For example: xlsBold + xlsUnderline
    xlsNoFormat = 0
    xlsBold = 1
    xlsItalic = 2
    xlsUnderline = 4
    xlsStrikeout = 8
End Enum

Private Type FONT_RECORD
    opcode As Integer  '49
    length As Integer  '5+len(fontname)
    FontHeight As Integer
    'bit0 bold, bit1 italic, bit2 underline, bit3 strikeout, bit4-7 reserved
    FontAttributes1 As Byte
    FontAttributes2 As Byte  'reserved - always 0
    FontNameLength As Byte
End Type

    opcode As Integer  '47
    length As Integer  'len(password)
End Type

    opcode As Integer  '20 Header, 21 Footer
    length As Integer  '1+len(text)
    TextLength As Byte
End Type

    opcode As Integer  '18
    length As Integer  '2
    Protect As Integer
End Type

    opcode As Integer  '1f
    length As Integer '2
    Count As Integer
End Type

    opcode As Integer  '1e
    length As Integer  '1+len(format)
    FormatLenght As Byte 'len(format)
End Type '+ followed by the Format-Picture

    opcode As Integer  '36
    length As Integer  '4
    col1 As Byte       'Min column
    col2 As Byte       'Max column
    ColumnWidth As Integer   'at 1/256th of a character
End Type

'Beginning Of File record
    opcode As Integer
    length As Integer
    version As Integer
    ftype As Integer
End Type

'End Of File record
    opcode As Integer
    length As Integer
End Type

'true/false to print gridlines
    opcode As Integer
    length As Integer
    PrintFlag As Integer
End Type

'Integer record
Private Type tInteger
    opcode As Integer
    length As Integer
    Row As Integer     'unsigned integer
    col As Integer
    'rgbAttr1 handles whether cell is hidden and/or locked
    rgbAttr1 As Byte
    'rgbAttr2 handles the Font# and Formatting assigned to this cell
    rgbAttr2 As Byte
    'rgbAttr3 handles the Cell Alignment/borders/shading
    rgbAttr3 As Byte
    intValue As Integer  'the actual integer value
End Type

'Number record
Private Type tNumber
    opcode As Integer
    length As Integer
    Row As Integer
    col As Integer
    rgbAttr1 As Byte
    rgbAttr2 As Byte
    rgbAttr3 As Byte
    NumberValue As Double  '8 Bytes
End Type

'Label (Text) record
Private Type tText
    opcode As Integer
    length As Integer
    Row As Integer
    col As Integer
    rgbAttr1 As Byte
    rgbAttr2 As Byte
    rgbAttr3 As Byte
    TextLength As Byte
End Type

    opcode As Integer
    length As Integer
    MarginValue As Double  '8 bytes
End Type

    opcode As Integer
    length As Integer
    NumPageBreaks As Integer
End Type

    opcode As Integer
    length As Integer
    RowHeight As Integer
End Type

    opcode As Integer  '08
    length As Integer  'should always be 16 bytes
    RowNumber As Integer
    MinColumn As Integer
    MaxColumn As Integer
    RowHeight As Integer  'written to file as 1/20ths of a point
    internal As Integer
    DefaultAttributes As Byte  'set to zero for no default attributes
    FileOffset As Integer
    rgbAttr1 As Byte
    rgbAttr2 As Byte
    rgbAttr3 As Byte
End Type

Private FileNumber As Integer

'create an array that will hold the rows where a horizontal page
'break will be inserted just before.
Private HorizPageBreakRows() As Integer
Private NumHorizPageBreaks As Integer

Public Function CreateFile(ByVal FileName As String) As Integer

On Error GoTo Write_Error

    If Dir$(FileName) > "" Then
        Kill FileName
    End If
    FileNumber = FreeFile
    Open FileName For Binary As #FileNumber
    Put #FileNumber, , BEG_FILE_MARKER  'must always be written Min
    Call WriteDefaultFormats
    'create the Horizontal Page Break array
    ReDim HorizPageBreakRows(0)
    NumHorizPageBreaks = 0
    OpenFile = 0  'return with no error
Exit Function

    OpenFile = Err.Number
    Exit Function

End Function

Public Function CloseFile() As Integer

On Error GoTo Write_Error

    If FileNumber = 0 Then Exit Function
    'write the horizontal page breaks if necessary
    If NumHorizPageBreaks > 0 Then
        'the Horizontal Page Break array must be in sorted order.
        'Use a simple Bubble sort because the size of this array would
        'be pretty small most of the time. A QuickSort would probably
        'be overkill.
        Dim lLoop1 As Long
        Dim lLoop2 As Long
        Dim lTemp As Long
        For lLoop1 = UBound(HorizPageBreakRows) To LBound(HorizPageBreakRows) Step -1
            For lLoop2 = LBound(HorizPageBreakRows) + 1 To lLoop1
                If HorizPageBreakRows(lLoop2 - 1) > HorizPageBreakRows(lLoop2) Then
                lTemp = HorizPageBreakRows(lLoop2 - 1)
                HorizPageBreakRows(lLoop2 - 1) = HorizPageBreakRows(lLoop2)
                HorizPageBreakRows(lLoop2) = lTemp
                End If
            Next lLoop2
        Next lLoop1
        'write the Horizontal Page Break Record
            .opcode = 27
            .length = 2 + (NumHorizPageBreaks * 2)
            .NumPageBreaks = NumHorizPageBreaks
        End With
        Put #FileNumber, , HORIZ_PAGE_BREAK
        'now write the actual page break values
        'the MKI$ function is standard in other versions of BASIC but
        'VisualBasic does not have it. A KnowledgeBase article explains
        'how to recreate it (albeit using 16-bit API, I switched it
        'to 32-bit).
        For x% = 1 To UBound(HorizPageBreakRows)
            Put #FileNumber, , MKI$(HorizPageBreakRows(x%))
    End If
    Put #FileNumber, , END_FILE_MARKER
    Close #FileNumber

    CloseFile = 0  'return with no error code
Exit Function

    CloseFile = Err.Number
    Exit Function

End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()

'Set up default values for records
'These should be the values that are the same for every record of these types

    With BEG_FILE_MARKER  'beginning of file
        .opcode = 9
        .length = 4
        .version = 2
        .ftype = 10
    End With
    With END_FILE_MARKER  'end of file marker
        .opcode = 10
    End With
End Sub

Public Function InsertHorizPageBreak(lrow As Long) As Integer

On Error GoTo Page_Break_Error

'the row and column values are written to the excel file as
'unsigned integers. Therefore, must convert the longs to integer.
    If lrow > 32767 Then
        Row% = CInt(lrow - 65536)
        Row% = CInt(lrow) - 1    'rows/cols in Excel binary file are zero based
    End If
    NumHorizPageBreaks = NumHorizPageBreaks + 1
    ReDim Preserve HorizPageBreakRows(NumHorizPageBreaks)
    HorizPageBreakRows(NumHorizPageBreaks) = Row%

Exit Function

    InsertHorizPageBreak = Err.Number
    Exit Function

End Function

Public Function WriteValue(ValueType As ValueTypes, CellFontUsed As CellFont, Alignment As CellAlignment, HiddenLocked As CellHiddenLocked, lrow As Long, lcol As Long, value As Variant, Optional CellFormat As Long = 0) As Integer

On Error GoTo Write_Error

'the row and column values are written to the excel file as
'unsigned integers. Therefore, must convert the longs to integer.

    If lrow > 32767 Then
        Row% = CInt(lrow - 65536)
        Row% = CInt(lrow) - 1    'rows/cols in Excel binary file are zero based
    End If
    If lcol > 32767 Then
        col% = CInt(lcol - 65536)
        col% = CInt(lcol) - 1    'rows/cols in Excel binary file are zero based
    End If

    Select Case ValueType
        Case ValueTypes.xlsinteger
        Dim INTEGER_RECORD As tInteger
            .opcode = 2
            .length = 9
            .Row = Row%
            .col = col%
            .rgbAttr1 = CByte(HiddenLocked)
            .rgbAttr2 = CByte(CellFontUsed + CellFormat)
            .rgbAttr3 = CByte(Alignment)
            .intValue = CInt(value)
        End With
        Put #FileNumber, , INTEGER_RECORD
        Case ValueTypes.xlsnumber
        Dim NUMBER_RECORD As tNumber
        With NUMBER_RECORD
            .opcode = 3
            .length = 15
            .Row = Row%
            .col = col%
            .rgbAttr1 = CByte(HiddenLocked)
            .rgbAttr2 = CByte(CellFontUsed + CellFormat)
            .rgbAttr3 = CByte(Alignment)
            .NumberValue = CDbl(value)
        End With
        Put #FileNumber, , NUMBER_RECORD
        Case ValueTypes.xlsText
        Dim b As Byte
        st$ = CStr(value)
        l% = Len(st$)
        Dim TEXT_RECORD As tText
        With TEXT_RECORD
            .opcode = 4
            .length = 10
            'Length of the text portion of the record
            .TextLength = l%
            'Total length of the record
            .length = 8 + l
            .Row = Row%
            .col = col%
            .rgbAttr1 = CByte(HiddenLocked)
            .rgbAttr2 = CByte(CellFontUsed + CellFormat)
            .rgbAttr3 = CByte(Alignment)
            'Put record header
            Put #FileNumber, , TEXT_RECORD
            'Then the actual string data
            For a = 1 To l%
                b = Asc(Mid$(st$, a, 1))
                Put #FileNumber, , b
        End With
    End Select
    WriteValue = 0   'return with no error
Exit Function

    WriteValue = Err.Number
    Exit Function

End Function

Public Function SetMargin(Margin As MarginTypes, MarginValue As Double) As Integer

On Error GoTo Write_Error

    'write the spreadsheet's layout information (in inches)
    Dim MarginRecord As MARGIN_RECORD_LAYOUT
    With MarginRecord
        .opcode = Margin
        .length = 8
        .MarginValue = MarginValue 'in inches
    End With
    Put #FileNumber, , MarginRecord

    SetMargin = 0
Exit Function

    SetMargin = Err.Number
    Exit Function

End Function

Public Function SetColumnWidth(MinColumn As Byte, MaxColumn As Byte, WidthValue As Integer)

On Error GoTo Write_Error

        .opcode = 36
        .length = 4
        .col1 = MinColumn - 1
        .col2 = MaxColumn - 1
        .ColumnWidth = WidthValue * 256  'values are specified as 1/256 of a character
    End With
    Put #FileNumber, , COLWIDTH

    SetColumnWidth = 0
Exit Function

    SetColumnWidth = Err.Number
    Exit Function

End Function

Public Function SetFont(FontName As String, FontHeight As Integer, FontFormat As FontFormatting) As Integer

On Error GoTo Write_Error

    'you can set up to 4 fonts in the spreadsheet file. When writing a value such
    'as a Text or Number you can specify one of the 4 fonts (numbered 0 to 3)
    l% = Len(FontName)
        .opcode = 49
        .length = 5 + l%
        .FontHeight = FontHeight * 20
        .FontAttributes1 = CByte(FontFormat)  'bold/underline etc...
        .FontAttributes2 = CByte(0) 'reserved-always zero!!
        .FontNameLength = CByte(Len(FontName))
    End With
    Put #FileNumber, , FONTNAME_RECORD

    'Then the actual font name data
    Dim b As Byte
    For a = 1 To l%
        b = Asc(Mid$(FontName, a, 1))
        Put #FileNumber, , b

    SetFont = 0
Exit Function

    SetFont = Err.Number
    Exit Function

End Function

Public Function SetHeader(HeaderText As String) As Integer

On Error GoTo Write_Error

    l% = Len(HeaderText)
        .opcode = 20
        .length = 1 + l%
        .TextLength = CByte(Len(HeaderText))
    End With
    Put #FileNumber, , HEADER_RECORD

    'Then the actual Header text
    Dim b As Byte
    For a = 1 To l%
        b = Asc(Mid$(HeaderText, a, 1))
        Put #FileNumber, , b

    SetHeader = 0
Exit Function

    SetHeader = Err.Number
    Exit Function

End Function

Public Function SetFooter(FooterText As String) As Integer

On Error GoTo Write_Error

    l% = Len(FooterText)
        .opcode = 21
        .length = 1 + l%
        .TextLength = CByte(Len(FooterText))
    End With
    Put #FileNumber, , FOOTER_RECORD

    'Then the actual Header text
    Dim b As Byte
    For a = 1 To l%
        b = Asc(Mid$(FooterText, a, 1))
        Put #FileNumber, , b

    SetFooter = 0
Exit Function

    SetFooter = Err.Number
    Exit Function

End Function

Public Function SetFilePassword(PasswordText As String) As Integer

On Error GoTo Write_Error

    l% = Len(PasswordText)
        .opcode = 47
        .length = l%
    End With
    Put #FileNumber, , FILE_PASSWORD_RECORD

    'Then the actual Password text
    Dim b As Byte
    For a = 1 To l%
        b = Asc(Mid$(PasswordText, a, 1))
        Put #FileNumber, , b

    SetFilePassword = 0
Exit Function

    SetFilePassword = Err.Number
    Exit Function

End Function

Public Property Let PrintGridLines(ByVal newvalue As Boolean)

On Error GoTo Write_Error

        .opcode = 43
        .length = 2
        If newvalue = True Then
        .PrintFlag = 1
        .PrintFlag = 0
        End If
    End With
    Put #FileNumber, , GRIDLINES_RECORD

Exit Property

    Exit Property

End Property

Public Property Let ProtectSpreadsheet(ByVal newvalue As Boolean)

On Error GoTo Write_Error

        .opcode = 18
        .length = 2
        If newvalue = True Then
        .Protect = 1
        .Protect = 0
        End If
    End With
    Put #FileNumber, , PROTECT_RECORD

Exit Property

    Exit Property

End Property

Public Function WriteDefaultFormats() As Integer

    Dim lIndex As Long
    Dim aFormat(0 To 23) As String
    Dim l As Long
    Dim q As String
    q = Chr$(34)
    aFormat(0) = "General"
    aFormat(1) = "0"
    aFormat(2) = "0.00"
    aFormat(3) = "#,##0"
    aFormat(4) = "#,##0.00"
    aFormat(5) = "#,##0 " & q & "$" & q & ";-#,##0 " & q & "$" & q
    aFormat(6) = "#,##0 " & q & "$" & q & ";[Red]-#,##0 " & q & "$" & q
    aFormat(7) = "#,##0.00 " & q & "$" & q & ";-#,##0.00 " & q & "$" & q
    aFormat(8) = "#,##0.00 " & q & "$" & q & ";[Red]-#,##0.00 " & q & "$" & q
    aFormat(9) = "0%"
    aFormat(10) = "0.00%"
    aFormat(11) = "0.00E+00"
    aFormat(12) = "dd/mm/yy"
    aFormat(13) = "dd/ mmm yy"
    aFormat(14) = "dd/ mmm"
    aFormat(15) = "mmm yy"
    aFormat(16) = "h:mm AM/PM"
    aFormat(17) = "h:mm:ss AM/PM"
    aFormat(18) = "hh:mm"
    aFormat(19) = "hh:mm:ss"
    aFormat(20) = "dd/mm/yy hh:mm"
    aFormat(21) = "##0.0E+0"
    aFormat(22) = "mm:ss"
    aFormat(23) = "@"
        .opcode = &H1F
        .length = &H2
        .Count = CInt(UBound(aFormat))
    End With
    Put #FileNumber, , cFORMAT_COUNT_RECORD

    For lIndex = LBound(aFormat) To UBound(aFormat)
        l = Len(aFormat(lIndex))
        With cFORMAT_RECORD
            .opcode = &H1E
            .length = CInt(l + 1)
            .FormatLenght = CInt(l)
        End With
        Put #FileNumber, , cFORMAT_RECORD
        'Then the actual format
        Dim b As Byte, a As Long
        For a = 1 To l
            b = Asc(Mid$(aFormat(lIndex), a, 1))
            Put #FileNumber, , b
    Next lIndex
Exit Function

End Function

Function MKI$(x As Integer)
    'used for writing integer array values to the disk file
    temp$ = Space$(2)
    CopyMemory ByVal temp$, x%, 2
    MKI$ = temp$
End Function

Public Function SetDefaultRowHeight(HeightValue As Integer)

On Error GoTo Write_Error

'Height is defined in units of 1/20th of a point. Therefore, a 10-point font
'would be 200 (i.e. 200/20 = 10). This function takes a HeightValue such as
'14 point and converts it the correct size before writing it to the file.

        .opcode = 37
        .length = 2
        .RowHeight = HeightValue * 20  'convert points to 1/20ths of point
    End With
    Put #FileNumber, , DEFHEIGHT

    SetDefaultRowHeight = 0
Exit Function

    SetDefaultRowHeight = Err.Number
    Exit Function

End Function

Public Function SetRowHeight(lrow As Long, HeightValue As Integer)

On Error GoTo Write_Error

'the row and column values are written to the excel file as
'unsigned integers. Therefore, must convert the longs to integer.

    If lrow > 32767 Then
        Row% = CInt(lrow - 65536)
        Row% = CInt(lrow) - 1    'rows/cols in Excel binary file are zero based
    End If

'Height is defined in units of 1/20th of a point. Therefore, a 10-point font
'would be 200 (i.e. 200/20 = 10). This function takes a HeightValue such as
'14 point and converts it the correct size before writing it to the file.

        .opcode = 8
        .length = 16
        .RowNumber = Row%
        .MinColumn = 0
        .MaxColumn = 256
        .RowHeight = HeightValue * 20 'convert points to 1/20ths of point
        .internal = 0
        .DefaultAttributes = 0
        .FileOffset = 0
        .rgbAttr1 = 0
        .rgbAttr2 = 0
        .rgbAttr3 = 0
    End With
    Put #FileNumber, , ROWHEIGHTREC

    SetRowHeight = 0
Exit Function

    SetRowHeight = Err.Number
    Exit Function

End Function

Para testar desenhe um form com um commandbutton e cole o código abaixo.

Private Sub command1_Click()

    Dim myExcelFile As New ExcelFile

    With myExcelFile
        'Create the new spreadsheet
        FileName$ = "c:vbtest.xls"
        .CreateFile FileName$
        'set a Password for the file. If set, the rest of the spreadsheet will
        'be encrypted. If a password is used it must immediately follow the
        'CreateFile method.
        'This is different then protecting the spreadsheet (see below).
        'NOTE: For some reason this function does not work. Excel will
        'recognize that the file is password protected, but entering the password
        'will not work. Also, the file is not encrypted. Therefore, do not use
        'this function until I can figure out why it doesn't work. There is not
        'much documentation on this function available.
        '.SetFilePassword "PAUL"
        'specify whether to print the gridlines or not
        'this should come before the setting of fonts and margins
        .PrintGridLines = False
        'it is a good idea to set margins, fonts and column widths
        'prior to writing any text/numerics to the spreadsheet. These
        'should come before setting the fonts.
        .SetMargin xlsTopMargin, 1.5   'set to 1.5 inches
        .SetMargin xlsLeftMargin, 1.5
        .SetMargin xlsRightMargin, 1.5
        .SetMargin xlsBottomMargin, 1.5
        'to insert a Horizontal Page Break you need to specify the row just
        'after where you want the page break to occur. You can insert as many
        'page breaks as you wish (in any order).
        .InsertHorizPageBreak 10
        .InsertHorizPageBreak 20
        'set a default row height for the entire spreadsheet (1/20th of a point)
        .SetDefaultRowHeight 14
        'Up to 4 fonts can be specified for the spreadsheet. This is a
        'limitation of the Excel 2.1 format. For each value written to the
        'spreadsheet you can specify which font to use.
        .SetFont "Arial", 10, xlsNoFormat              'font0
        .SetFont "Arial", 10, xlsBold                  'font1
        .SetFont "Arial", 10, xlsBold + xlsUnderline   'font2
        .SetFont "Courier", 16, xlsBold + xlsItalic            'font3
        'Column widths are specified in Excel as 1/256th of a character.
        .SetColumnWidth 1, 5, 18
        'Set special row heights for row 1 and 2
        .SetRowHeight 1, 30
        .SetRowHeight 2, 30
        'set any header or footer that you want to print on
        'every page. This text will be centered at the top and/or
        'bottom of each page. The font will always be the font that
        'is specified as font0, therefore you should only set the
        'header/footer after specifying the fonts through SetFont.
        .SetHeader "BIFF 2.1 API"
        .SetFooter "Paul Squires - Excel BIFF Class"
        'write a normal left aligned string using font3 (Courier Italic)
        .WriteValue xlsText, xlsFont3, xlsLeftAlign, xlsNormal, 1, 1, "Quarterly Report"
        .WriteValue xlsText, xlsFont1, xlsLeftAlign, xlsNormal, 2, 1, "Cool Guy Corporation"
        'write some data to the spreadsheet
        'Use the default format #3 "#,##0" (refer to the WriteDefaultFormats function)
        'The WriteDefaultFormats function is compliments of Dieter Hauk in Germany.
        .WriteValue xlsinteger, xlsFont0, xlsLeftAlign, xlsNormal, 6, 1, 2000, 3
        'write a cell with a shaded number with a bottom border
        .WriteValue xlsnumber, xlsFont1, xlsrightAlign + xlsBottomBorder + xlsShaded, xlsNormal, 7, 1, 12123.456, 4
        'write a normal left aligned string using font2 (bold & underline)
        .WriteValue xlsText, xlsFont2, xlsLeftAlign, xlsNormal, 8, 1, "This is a test string"
        'write a locked cell. The cell will not be able to be overwritten, BUT you
        'must set the sheet PROTECTION to on before it will take effect!!!
        .WriteValue xlsText, xlsFont3, xlsLeftAlign, xlsLocked, 9, 1, "This cell is locked"
        'fill the cell with "F"'s
        .WriteValue xlsText, xlsFont0, xlsFillCell, xlsNormal, 10, 1, "F"
        'write a hidden cell to the spreadsheet. This only works for cells
        'that contain formulae. Text, Number, Integer value text can not be hidden
        'using this feature. It is included here for the sake of completeness.
        .WriteValue xlsText, xlsFont0, xlsCentreAlign, xlsHidden, 11, 1, "If this were a formula it would be hidden!"
        'write some dates to the file. NOTE: you need to write dates as xlsNumber
        Dim d As Date
        d = "15/01/2001"
        .WriteValue xlsnumber, xlsFont0, xlsCentreAlign, xlsNormal, 15, 1, d, 12
        d = "31/12/1999"
        .WriteValue xlsnumber, xlsFont0, xlsCentreAlign, xlsNormal, 16, 1, d, 12
        d = "01/04/2002"
        .WriteValue xlsnumber, xlsFont0, xlsCentreAlign, xlsNormal, 17, 1, d, 12
        d = "21/10/1998"
        .WriteValue xlsnumber, xlsFont0, xlsCentreAlign, xlsNormal, 18, 1, d, 12
        'PROTECT the spreadsheet so any cells specified as LOCKED will not be
        'overwritten. Also, all cells with HIDDEN set will hide their formulae.
        'PROTECT does not use a password.
        .ProtectSpreadsheet = True
        'Finally, close the spreadsheet
        MsgBox "Excel BIFF Spreadsheet created." & vbCrLf & "Filename: " & FileName$, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Excel Class"
    End With

End Sub

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