Visual Basic (Datas/Números/Strings)
Título da Dica: Ordenando Strings - Muito Rapido
Postada em 3/2/2003 por Felipe
Attribute VB_Name = "Sort_String" Option Explicit
Sub SwapStrings(pbString1 As String, pbString2 As String) Dim l_Hold As Long CopyMemory l_Hold, ByVal VarPtr(pbString1), 4 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(pbString1), ByVal VarPtr(pbString2), 4 CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(pbString2), l_Hold, 4 End Sub
Public Sub ShellSortAsc(SortArray() As String, AllLowerCase As Boolean) 'The fastets sort algorithm! Dim sVal1 As String, sVal2 As String
Dim Row As Long Dim MaxRow As Long Dim MinRow As Long Dim Swtch As Long Dim Limit As Long Dim Offset As Long
MaxRow = UBound(SortArray) MinRow = LBound(SortArray) Offset = MaxRow \ 2
Do While Offset > 0 Limit = MaxRow - Offset Do Swtch = False ' Assume no switches at this offset.
' Compare elements and switch ones out of order: For Row = MinRow To Limit If AllLowerCase Then sVal1 = LCase(SortArray(Row)) sVal2 = LCase(SortArray(Row + Offset)) Else sVal1 = SortArray(Row) sVal2 = SortArray(Row + Offset) End If If sVal1 > sVal2 Then Swap SortArray(Row), SortArray(Row + Offset) Swtch = Row End If Next Row
' Sort on next pass only to where last switch was made: Limit = Swtch - Offset Loop While Swtch
' No switches at last offset, try one half as big: Offset = Offset \ 2 Loop End Sub
Public Sub ShellSortDesc(SortArray() As String, AllLowerCase As Boolean) 'The fastets sort algorithm! Dim sVal1 As String, sVal2 As String
Dim Row As Long Dim MaxRow As Long Dim MinRow As Long Dim Swtch As Long Dim Limit As Long Dim Offset As Long
MaxRow = UBound(SortArray) MinRow = LBound(SortArray) Offset = MaxRow \ 2
Do While Offset > 0 Limit = MaxRow - Offset Do Swtch = False ' Assume no switches at this offset.
' Compare elements and switch ones out of order: For Row = MinRow To Limit If AllLowerCase Then sVal1 = LCase(SortArray(Row)) sVal2 = LCase(SortArray(Row + Offset)) Else sVal1 = SortArray(Row) sVal2 = SortArray(Row + Offset) End If If sVal1 < sVal2 Then Swap SortArray(Row), SortArray(Row + Offset) Swtch = Row End If Next Row
' Sort on next pass only to where last switch was made: Limit = Swtch - Offset Loop While Swtch
' No switches at last offset, try one half as big: Offset = Offset \ 2 Loop End Sub
Public Static Sub StrSort(Lines() As String, Ascending As Boolean, AllLowerCase As Boolean)
If Ascending Then ShellSortAsc Lines(), AllLowerCase Else ShellSortDesc Lines(), AllLowerCase End If
End Sub
Private Sub Swap(ByRef var1 As String, ByRef var2 As String) Dim X As String X = var1 var1 = var2 var2 = X End Sub