Visual Basic (Datas/Números/Strings)
Título da Dica: Mostra o número em formato moeda durante a digitação.
Postada em 3/9/2004 por Ronaldo Morais
Public Function FormatMoneyPress(ByVal Espression As String, ByVal KeyAscNumber As Long, _ Optional ByVal NumDecimal As Integer = 2) As String
Dim symbolDecimal As String Dim moneyValue As Variant Dim makeValue As Variant Dim Verifies As Boolean Dim PosNumberZero As Integer
If KeyAscNumber = 8 Then Exit Function End If
If KeyAscNumber < 48 Or KeyAscNumber > 57 Then If KeyAscNumber <> 8 Then KeyAscNumber = 0 Exit Function End If End If
If NumDecimal < 0 Then NumDecimal = 0 End If
If NumDecimal = 0 Then Espression = Espression & Chr(KeyAscNumber) FormatMoneyPress = FormatNumber(Espression, NumDecimal) Exit Function End If
symbolDecimal = IIf(InStr(Format(1, "#0.00"), ".") > 0, ".", ",")
If Espression = "" Then Espression = "0" & symbolDecimal & String(NumDecimal, "0") ElseIf Len(Espression) < 3 Then Espression = "0" & symbolDecimal & String(NumDecimal, "0") End If
moneyValue = Espression makeValue = ""
If Len(Espression) = 2 + NumDecimal And Mid(moneyValue, 1, 1) = 0 Then If Mid(moneyValue, 2 + NumDecimal, 1) = 0 Then If Chr(KeyAscNumber) = 0 Then For i = 1 To 9 If InStr(1, moneyValue, i, vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then Verifies = True End If Next End If If Verifies Then For i = 1 + NumDecimal To Len(moneyValue) If i = 1 + NumDecimal Then makeValue = makeValue & Mid(moneyValue, i, 1) & symbolDecimal Else makeValue = makeValue & Mid(moneyValue, i, 1) End If Next Else For i = 1 To Len(moneyValue) - 1 makeValue = makeValue & Mid(moneyValue, i, 1) Next End If ElseIf Mid(moneyValue, 1 + NumDecimal, 1) = 0 Then For i = 1 To Len(moneyValue) - 2 makeValue = makeValue & Mid(moneyValue, i, 1) Next makeValue = makeValue & Mid(moneyValue, 2 + NumDecimal, 1) ElseIf Mid(moneyValue, InStr(1, moneyValue, symbolDecimal) + 1, 1) = 0 Then For i = 1 To Len(moneyValue) If Mid(moneyValue, i, 1) = 0 Then PosNumberZero = i - 3 End If Next For i = 1 To (Len(moneyValue) + PosNumberZero) - (NumDecimal) makeValue = makeValue & Mid(moneyValue, i, 1) Next makeValue = makeValue & Mid(moneyValue, (NumDecimal + 2) - ((NumDecimal + 2) - (PosNumberZero + 4)), ((NumDecimal + 2) - (PosNumberZero + 4) + 1)) ElseIf Mid(moneyValue, 1, 1) = 0 Then FormatMoneyPress = Mid(moneyValue, InStr(1, moneyValue, ",") + 3, 1) & symbolDecimal & Mid(moneyValue, InStr(1, moneyValue, ",") + 4, Len(moneyValue) - 1) & Chr(KeyAscNumber) Exit Function End If Espression = makeValue & Chr(KeyAscNumber) ElseIf Len(moneyValue) <> 0 Then For i = 1 To Len(moneyValue) If Mid(moneyValue, i, 1) <> symbolDecimal Then If Len(Mid(moneyValue, i, Len(moneyValue))) = NumDecimal Then makeValue = makeValue & Mid(moneyValue, i, 1) & symbolDecimal Else makeValue = makeValue & Mid(moneyValue, i, 1) End If End If Next Espression = makeValue & Chr(KeyAscNumber) Else Espression = Chr(KeyAscNumber) End If
FormatMoneyPress = FormatNumber(Espression, NumDecimal)
End Function
No KeyPress do Text
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Text1.Text = FormatMoneyPress(Text1.Text, KeyAscii, 2) KeyAscii = 0 End Sub