Visual Basic (Banco de Dados)
Título da Dica: Descobrir a senha de proteção de um banco de dados Access 97
Postada em 23/11/2000 por Adriano
Essa dica serve para mostrar a senha 'esquecida' de proteção do banco de dados Access 97.
'Módulo BAS Option Compare Binary Option Explicit
'Função no Módulo BAS Public Function StPasswordOfStDatabase(stDatabase As String) As String Dim hFile As Integer Dim ich As Integer Dim stBuffer As String Dim rgbytRaw() As Byte Dim rgbytPassword() As Byte Dim rgbytNoPassword() As Byte
rgbytNoPassword = ChrB(134) & ChrB(251) & ChrB(236) & ChrB(55) & ChrB(93) & _ ChrB(68) & ChrB(156) & ChrB(250) & ChrB(198) & ChrB(94) & _ ChrB(40) & ChrB(230) & ChrB(19) & ChrB(182) & ChrB(138) & _ ChrB(96) & ChrB(84) & ChrB(148) & ChrB(123) & ChrB(54)
hFile = FreeFile Open stDatabase For Binary As #hFile Seek #hFile, 66 + 1 rgbytRaw = InputB(20, #hFile) Close #hFile
ReDim rgbytPassword(0 To 19) For ich = 0 To 19 rgbytPassword(ich) = rgbytRaw(ich) Xor rgbytNoPassword(ich) Next ich
if the password is 20 ' characters. Then grab up to the first null we find and return the password stBuffer = StrConv(rgbytPassword, vbUnicode) & vbNullChar StPasswordOfStDatabase = Left$(stBuffer, InStr(1, stBuffer, vbNullChar, vbBinaryCompare) - 1) End Function
'Para chamar a função Text1.Text = StPasswordOfStDatabase("c:\bd1.mdb")