Visual Basic (Validações)
Título da Dica: checagem inscrições estaduais (todos os estados)
Postada em 8/2/2002 por Sergio
Public Function ChecaInscrE(pUF As String, pInscr As String) ChecaInscrE = False Dim strBase As String Dim strBase2 As String Dim strOrigem As String Dim strDigito1 As String Dim strDigito2 As String Dim intPos As Integer Dim intValor As Integer Dim intSoma As Integer Dim intResto As Integer Dim intNumero As Integer Dim intPeso As Integer Dim intDig As Integer strBase = "" strBase2 = "" strOrigem = "" If Trim(pInscr) = "ISENTO" Then ChecaInscrE = True Exit Function End If For intPos = 1 To Len(Trim(pInscr)) If InStr(1, "0123456789P", Mid$(pInscr, intPos, 1), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then strOrigem = strOrigem & Mid$(pInscr, intPos, 1) End If Next Select Case pUF Case "AC" ' Acre strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) If Left(strBase, 2) = "01" And Mid$(strBase, 3, 2) <> "00" Then intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If End If Case "AL" ' Alagoas strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) If Left(strBase, 2) = "24" Then intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intSoma = intSoma * 10 intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto = 10, "0", Str(intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If End If Case "AM" ' Amazonas strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next If intSoma < 11 Then strDigito1 = Right(Str(11 - intSoma), 1) Else intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) End If strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If Case "AP" ' Amapa strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) intPeso = 0 intDig = 0 If Left(strBase, 2) = "03" Then intNumero = Val(Left(strBase, 8)) If intNumero >= 3000001 And _ intNumero <= 3017000 Then intPeso = 5 intDig = 0 ElseIf intNumero >= 3017001 And _ intNumero <= 3019022 Then intPeso = 9 intDig = 1 ElseIf intNumero >= 3019023 Then intPeso = 0 intDig = 0 End If intSoma = intPeso For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 intValor = 11 - intResto If intValor = 10 Then intValor = 0 ElseIf intValor = 11 Then intValor = intDig End If strDigito1 = Right(Str(intValor), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If End If Case "BA" ' Bahia strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "00000000", 8) If InStr(1, "0123458", Left(strBase, 1), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 6 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (8 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 10 strDigito2 = Right(IIf(intResto = 0, "0", Str(10 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 6) & strDigito2 intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 7 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase2, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (9 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 10 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto = 0, "0", Str(10 - intResto)), 1) Else intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 6 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (8 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito2 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 6) & strDigito2 intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 7 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase2, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (9 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) End If strBase2 = Left(strBase, 6) & strDigito1 & strDigito2 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If Case "CE" ' Ceara strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 intValor = 11 - intResto If intValor > 9 Then intValor = 0 End If strDigito1 = Right(Str(intValor), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If Case "DF" ' Distrito Federal strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "0000000000000", 13) If Left(strBase, 3) = "073" Then intSoma = 0 intPeso = 2 For intPos = 11 To 1 Step -1 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * intPeso intSoma = intSoma + intValor intPeso = intPeso + 1 If intPeso > 9 Then intPeso = 2 End If Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 11) & strDigito1 intSoma = 0 intPeso = 2 For intPos = 12 To 1 Step -1 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * intPeso intSoma = intSoma + intValor intPeso = intPeso + 1 If intPeso > 9 Then intPeso = 2 End If Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito2 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 12) & strDigito2 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If End If Case "ES" ' Espirito Santo strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If Case "GO" ' Goias strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) If InStr(1, "10,11,15", Left(strBase, 2), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 If intResto = 0 Then strDigito1 = "0" ElseIf intResto = 1 Then intNumero = Val(Left(strBase, 8)) strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intNumero >= 10103105 And intNumero <= 10119997, "1", "0"), 1) Else strDigito1 = Right(Str(11 - intResto), 1) End If strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If End If Case "MA" ' Maranhão strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) If Left(strBase, 2) = "12" Then intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If End If Case "MT" ' Mato Grosso strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "0000000000", 10) intSoma = 0 intPeso = 2 For intPos = 10 To 1 Step -1 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * intPeso intSoma = intSoma + intValor intPeso = intPeso + 1 If intPeso > 9 Then intPeso = 2 End If Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 10) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If Case "MS" ' Mato Grosso do Sul strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) If Left(strBase, 2) = "28" Then intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If End If Case "MG" ' Minas Gerais strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "0000000000000", 13) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 3) & "0" & Mid$(strBase, 4, 8) intNumero = 2 For intPos = 1 To 12 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase2, intPos, 1)) intNumero = IIf(intNumero = 2, 1, 2) intValor = intValor * intNumero If intValor > 9 Then strDigito1 = Format(intValor, "00") intValor = Val(Left(strDigito1, 1)) + _ Val(Right(strDigito1, 1)) End If intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intValor = intSoma While Right(Format(intValor, "000"), 1) <> "0" intValor = intValor + 1 Wend strDigito1 = Right(Format(intValor - intSoma, "00"), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 11) & strDigito1 intSoma = 0 intPeso = 2 For intPos = 12 To 1 Step -1 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase2, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * intPeso intSoma = intSoma + intValor intPeso = intPeso + 1 If intPeso > 11 Then intPeso = 2 End If Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito2 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = strBase2 & strDigito2 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If Case "PA" ' Para strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) If Left(strBase, 2) = "15" Then intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If End If Case "PB" ' Paraiba strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 intValor = 11 - intResto If intValor > 9 Then intValor = 0 End If strDigito1 = Right(Str(intValor), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If Case "PE" ' Pernambuco strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "00000000000000", 14) intSoma = 0 intPeso = 2 For intPos = 13 To 1 Step -1 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * intPeso intSoma = intSoma + intValor intPeso = intPeso + 1 If intPeso > 9 Then intPeso = 2 End If Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 intValor = 11 - intResto If intValor > 9 Then intValor = intValor - 10 End If strDigito1 = Right(Str(intValor), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 13) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If Case "PI" ' Piaui strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If Case "PR" ' Parana strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "0000000000", 10) intSoma = 0 intPeso = 2 For intPos = 8 To 1 Step -1 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * intPeso intSoma = intSoma + intValor intPeso = intPeso + 1 If intPeso > 7 Then intPeso = 2 End If Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 intSoma = 0 intPeso = 2 For intPos = 9 To 1 Step -1 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase2, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * intPeso intSoma = intSoma + intValor intPeso = intPeso + 1 If intPeso > 7 Then intPeso = 2 End If Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito2 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = strBase2 & strDigito2 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If Case "RJ" ' Rio de Janeiro strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "00000000", 8) intSoma = 0 intPeso = 2 For intPos = 7 To 1 Step -1 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * intPeso intSoma = intSoma + intValor intPeso = intPeso + 1 If intPeso > 7 Then intPeso = 2 End If Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 7) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If Case "RN" ' Rio Grande do Norte strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) If Left(strBase, 2) = "20" Then intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intSoma = intSoma * 10 intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto > 9, "0", Str(intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If End If Case "RO" ' Rondonia strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) strBase2 = Mid$(strBase, 4, 5) intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 5 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase2, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (7 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 intValor = 11 - intResto If intValor > 9 Then intValor = intValor - 10 End If strDigito1 = Right(Str(intValor), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If Case "RR" ' Roraima strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) If Left(strBase, 2) = "24" Then intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 9 strDigito1 = Right(Str(intResto), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If End If Case "RS" ' Rio Grande do Sul strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "0000000000", 10) intNumero = Val(Left(strBase, 3)) If intNumero > 0 And intNumero < 468 Then intSoma = 0 intPeso = 2 For intPos = 9 To 1 Step -1 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * intPeso intSoma = intSoma + intValor intPeso = intPeso + 1 If intPeso > 9 Then intPeso = 2 End If Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 intValor = 11 - intResto If intValor > 9 Then intValor = 0 End If strDigito1 = Right(Str(intValor), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 9) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If End If Case "SC" ' Santa Catarina strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If Case "SE" ' Sergipe strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000", 9) intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 intValor = 11 - intResto If intValor > 9 Then intValor = 0 End If strDigito1 = Right(Str(intValor), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If Case "SP" ' São Paulo If Left(strOrigem, 1) = "P" Then strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "0000000000000", 13) strBase2 = Mid$(strBase, 2, 8) intSoma = 0 intPeso = 1 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * intPeso intSoma = intSoma + intValor intPeso = intPeso + 1 If intPeso = 2 Then intPeso = 3 End If If intPeso = 9 Then intPeso = 10 End If Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(Str(intResto), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 & Mid$(strBase, 11, 3) Else strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "000000000000", 12) intSoma = 0 intPeso = 1 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * intPeso intSoma = intSoma + intValor intPeso = intPeso + 1 If intPeso = 2 Then intPeso = 3 End If If intPeso = 9 Then intPeso = 10 End If Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(Str(intResto), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 8) & strDigito1 & Mid$(strBase, 10, 2) intSoma = 0 intPeso = 2 For intPos = 11 To 1 Step -1 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * intPeso intSoma = intSoma + intValor intPeso = intPeso + 1 If intPeso > 10 Then intPeso = 2 End If Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito2 = Right(Str(intResto), 1) strBase2 = strBase2 & strDigito2 End If If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If Case "TO" ' Tocantins strBase = Left(Trim(strOrigem) & "00000000000", 11) If InStr(1, "01,02,03,99", Mid$(strBase, 3, 2), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then strBase2 = Left(strBase, 2) & Mid$(strBase, 5, 6) intSoma = 0 For intPos = 1 To 8 intValor = Val(Mid$(strBase2, intPos, 1)) intValor = intValor * (10 - intPos) intSoma = intSoma + intValor Next intResto = intSoma Mod 11 strDigito1 = Right(IIf(intResto < 2, "0", Str(11 - intResto)), 1) strBase2 = Left(strBase, 10) & strDigito1 If strBase2 = strOrigem Then ChecaInscrE = True End If End If End Select End Function