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  Visual Basic    (Redes/Comunicações)

Título da Dica:  Retornar o IP e o Host da maquina
Postada em 9/9/2003 por Ð@®l@n            
Este artigo demonstra como obter o Host e o endereço IP de uma máquina local usando o GetHostByName API, utilizando DLL e soquetes do Windows, a Wsock32.dll. Para Obter os dois, utilize o GetHostByName conjuntamente com GetHostName.

GetHostName retorna o nome do Host Padrão de uma máquina local. Inicie um projeto, no formulário, adicione um commandButton. Na seção Option Explicit, adicione o seguinte código:

Private Const WS_VERSION_REQD = &H101
Private Const MIN_SOCKETS_REQD = 1
Private Const SOCKET_ERROR = -1
Private Const WSADescription_Len = 256
Private Const WSASYS_Status_Len = 128

Private Type HOSTENT
        hName As Long
        hAliases As Long
        hAddrType As Integer
        hLength As Integer
        hAddrList As Long
End Type

Private Type WSADATA
        wversion As Integer
        wHighVersion As Integer
        szDescription(0 To WSADescription_Len) As Byte
        szSystemStatus(0 To WSASYS_Status_Len) As Byte
        iMaxSockets As Integer
        iMaxUdpDg As Integer
        lpszVendorInfo As Long
End Type

Private Declare Function WSAGetLastError Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" () As Long

Private Declare Function WSAStartup Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" (ByVal wVersionRequired As Integer, lpWSAData As WSADATA) As Long

Private Declare Function WSACleanup Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" () As Long

Private Declare Function gethostname Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" (ByVal hostname$, ByVal HostLen As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function gethostbyname Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" (ByVal hostname$) As Long

Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "KERNEL32" (hpvDest As Any, ByVal hpvSource&, ByVal cbCopy&)

'Adicione as seguintes Functions:

Function hibyte(ByVal wParam As Integer)
        hibyte = wParam \ &H100 And &HFF&
End Function

Function lobyte(ByVal wParam As Integer)
        lobyte = wParam And &HFF&
End Function

'Insira as seguintes Sub:

Sub SocketsInitialize()
    Dim iReturn As Integer
    Dim sLowByte As String, sHighByte As String, sMsg As String

    iReturn = WSAStartup(WS_VERSION_REQD, WSAD)

    If iReturn <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "Winsock.dll is not responding."
    End If

    If lobyte(WSAD.wversion) < WS_VERSION_MAJOR Or (lobyte(WSAD.wversion) = _
    WS_VERSION_MAJOR And hibyte(WSAD.wversion) < WS_VERSION_MINOR) Then
        sHighByte = Trim$(Str$(hibyte(WSAD.wversion)))
        sLowByte = Trim$(Str$(lobyte(WSAD.wversion)))
        sMsg = "Windows Sockets version " & sLowByte & "." & sHighByte
        sMsg = sMsg & " is not supported by winsock.dll "
        MsgBox sMsg
    End If

    'iMaxSockets is not used in winsock 2. So the following check is only
    'necessary for winsock 1. If winsock 2 is requested,
    'the following check can be skipped.

    If WSAD.iMaxSockets < MIN_SOCKETS_REQD Then
        sMsg = "This application requires a minimum of "
        sMsg = sMsg & Trim$(Str$(MIN_SOCKETS_REQD)) & " supported sockets."
        MsgBox sMsg
    End If

End Sub

Sub SocketsCleanup()
    Dim lReturn As Long

    lReturn = WSACleanup()

    If lReturn <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "Socket error " & Trim$(Str$(lReturn)) & " occurred in Cleanup "
    End If

End Sub

'No evento Load do formulário insira o seguinte código:

Sub Form_Load()
End Sub

'E no evento UnLoad:

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub

'Para finalizar, clique duas vezes no botão e adicione o seguinte código para o evento Click do botão:

Private Sub Command1_click()
    Dim hostname As String * 256
    Dim hostent_addr As Long
    Dim host As HOSTENT
    Dim hostip_addr As Long
    Dim temp_ip_address() As Byte
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim ip_address As String

    If gethostname(hostname, 256) = SOCKET_ERROR Then
        MsgBox "Windows Sockets error " & Str(WSAGetLastError())
        Exit Sub
        hostname = Trim$(hostname)
    End If

    hostent_addr = gethostbyname(hostname)

    If hostent_addr = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Winsock.dll is not responding."
        Exit Sub
    End If

    RtlMoveMemory host, hostent_addr, LenB(host)
    RtlMoveMemory hostip_addr, host.hAddrList, 4
    MsgBox hostname, , "O Host é"

    'get all of the IP address if machine is multi-homed

        ReDim temp_ip_address(1 To host.hLength)
        RtlMoveMemory temp_ip_address(1), hostip_addr, host.hLength

    For i = 1 To host.hLength
        ip_address = ip_address & temp_ip_address(i) & "."
        ip_address = Mid$(ip_address, 1, Len(ip_address) - 1)

        MsgBox ip_address, , "O IP é:"

        ip_address = ""
        host.hAddrList = host.hAddrList + LenB(host.hAddrList)
        RtlMoveMemory hostip_addr, host.hAddrList, 4
    Loop While (hostip_addr <> 0)
End Sub

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