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  Visual Basic.Net    (Internet)

Título da Dica:  Enviando E-mail Utilizando SMTP
Postada em 5/2/2004 por messohal            
Imports System.Web.Mail
Sub Main()
        Dim strMSG As String
        Dim strArgs() As String = Command.Split(",")
        Dim blnSMTP As Boolean = False
        Dim blnCC As Boolean = False
        Dim blnAttachments As Boolean = False

        'get the product name, version and description from the assembly
        strMSG = vbCrLf + vbCrLf + _
          System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo( _
      System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.Location).ProductName _
              + " v" + System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo( _
      System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.Location _
            ).ProductVersion + vbCrLf + _
         System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo( _
         System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.Location _
              ).Comments + vbCrLf + vbCrLf

        If UBound(strArgs) < 3 Then
            strMSG = strMSG + "Usage: EPSendMail, " + _
                   ", subject, message, [smtp Server],"  + _
                   "[;;...], [attachment1;" + _
                        "attachment2;...]" + vbCrLf
            Exit Sub
        End If

        strMSG = strMSG + "Sending email message" + vbCrLf + _
            "  From        --> " + Trim(strArgs(0)) + vbCrLf + _
            "  To          --> " + Trim(strArgs(1)) + vbCrLf + _
            "  Subject     --> " + Trim(strArgs(2)) + vbCrLf + _
            "  Message     --> " + Trim(strArgs(3)) + vbCrLf
        If UBound(strArgs) >= 4 Then
            If Len(Trim(strArgs(4))) > 0 Then
                blnSMTP = True
                strMSG = strMSG + "  SMTP Server --> " + Trim(strArgs(4)) + _
            End If
        End If
        If UBound(strArgs) >= 5 Then
            If Len(Trim(strArgs(5))) > 0 Then
                blnCC = True
                strMSG = strMSG + "  CC          --> " + Trim(strArgs(5)) + _
            End If
        End If
        If UBound(strArgs) >= 6 Then
            If Len(Trim(strArgs(6))) > 0 Then
                blnAttachments = True
                strMSG = strMSG + "  Attachments --> " + Trim(strArgs(6)) + _
            End If
        End If

        'send the email
            Dim insMail As New MailMessage()
            With insMail
                .From = Trim(strArgs(0))
                .To = Trim(strArgs(1))
                .Subject = Trim(strArgs(2))
                .Body = Trim(strArgs(3))
                If blnCC Then .Cc = Trim(strArgs(5))
                If blnAttachments Then
                    Dim strFile As String
                    Dim strAttach() As String = Split(strArgs(6), ";")
                    For Each strFile In strAttach
                        .Attachments.Add(New MailAttachment(Trim(strFile)))
                End If
            End With
            If blnSMTP Then SmtpMail.SmtpServer = Trim(strArgs(4))


            Console.WriteLine("Successfully sent email message" + vbCrLf)

        Catch err As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("EXCEPTION " + err.Message + vbCrLf)
        End Try

    End Sub


Emerson Silva
.net Developer

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