Visual Basic (ActiveX/Controles/DLL)
Título da Dica: Função que retorna vários componentes de uma URL ""host", "port", "user", "pass", "path" e "query"
Postada em 13/3/2004 por Josefh Hennyere
Public Type typURL 'http://sit:sitter@proxy.spiderit.net:881/prox/proxycfg.php3?openpage Protocol As String 'contains the protocol if specified (e.g. http://, ftp:// etc.) ServerName As String 'contains the servername (e.g. proxy.spiderit.net) Filename As String 'contains the filename (e.g. proxycfg.php3) Dir As String 'contains the directory (e.g. /prox/) Filepath As String 'contains the whole filepath (e.g. /prox/proxycfg.php3) Username As String 'contains the username (e.g. sit) Password As String 'contains the password (e.g. sitter) Query As String 'contains the querystring (e.g. openpage) ServerPort As Integer 'contains the serverport (e.g. 881) End Type
Public Const strNOCONTENT As String = "NOCONTENT" Public Const intDEFAULTPORT As Integer = 80
Function ParseURL(URL As String) As typURL Dim strTemp As String Dim strServerAuth As String Dim strServerNPort As String Dim strAuth As String
strTemp = URL
'******** '- Parse protocol If (InStr(1, strTemp, "://") > 0) Then 'URL contains protocol ParseURL.Protocol = Left(strTemp, InStr(1, strTemp, "://") - 1) strTemp = Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - (Len(ParseURL.Protocol) + 3)) 'delete protocol + :// Else 'URL do not contains the protocol ParseURL.Protocol = strNOCONTENT End If
'******** '- Parse authenticate information If (InStr(1, strTemp, "/") > 0) Then 'extract servername and user and password if there are directory infos strServerAuth = Left(strTemp, InStr(1, strTemp, "/") - 1) strTemp = Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - (Len(strServerAuth) + 1)) Else 'extract servername and user and password if there are no directory infos strServerAuth = strTemp strTemp = "/" End If
If (InStr(1, strServerAuth, "@") > 0) Then 'there are user and password informations strAuth = Left(strServerAuth, InStr(1, strServerAuth, "@") - 1) strServerNPort = Right(strServerAuth, Len(strServerAuth) - (Len(strAuth) + 1)) Else 'there are no user and password informations strAuth = "" strServerNPort = strServerAuth End If
If (InStr(1, strAuth, ":") > 0) And (Len(strAuth) > 0) Then 'split username and password on ":" splitter ParseURL.Username = Left(strAuth, InStr(1, strAuth, ":") - 1) ParseURL.Password = Right(strAuth, Len(strAuth) - InStr(1, strAuth, ":")) ElseIf (InStr(1, strAuth, ":") <= 0) And (Len(strAuth) > 0) Then 'only username was submitted ParseURL.Username = strAuth ParseURL.Password = strNOCONTENT Else 'no authenticate information was submitted ParseURL.Username = strNOCONTENT ParseURL.Password = strNOCONTENT End If
If (InStr(1, strServerNPort, ":") > 0) Then 'Servername contains port ParseURL.ServerPort = Int(Right(strServerNPort, Len(strServerNPort) - InStr(1, strServerNPort, ":"))) ParseURL.ServerName = Left(strServerNPort, InStr(1, strServerNPort, ":") - 1) Else ParseURL.ServerPort = intDEFAULTPORT ParseURL.ServerName = strServerNPort End If
If (InStr(1, strTemp, "?") > 0) Then ParseURL.Query = Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - InStr(1, strTemp, "?")) strTemp = Left(strTemp, InStr(1, strTemp, "?") - 1) Else ParseURL.Query = strNOCONTENT End If
For i = Len(strTemp) To 1 Step -1 If (Mid(strTemp, i, 1) = "/") Then ParseURL.Filename = Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - i) ParseURL.Dir = Left(strTemp, i) If Not (Left(ParseURL.Dir, 1) = "/") Then ParseURL.Dir = "/" & ParseURL.Dir End If Exit For End If Next ParseURL.Filepath = "/" & strTemp If Not (Left(ParseURL.Filepath, 1) = "/") Then ParseURL.Filepath = "/" & ParseURL.Filepath End If
End Function
'No load do formulário
Private Sub Form_Load() Const strURL As String = "http://www.jhsmdesigners.kit.net/downloads/msxccv1.1_2000.rar" msgtext = ParseURL(strURL).Protocol & vbCrLf msgtext = msgtext & ParseURL(strURL).Username & vbCrLf msgtext = msgtext & ParseURL(strURL).Password & vbCrLf msgtext = msgtext & ParseURL(strURL).ServerName & vbCrLf msgtext = msgtext & ParseURL(strURL).ServerPort & vbCrLf msgtext = msgtext & ParseURL(strURL).Filepath & vbCrLf msgtext = msgtext & ParseURL(strURL).Dir & vbCrLf msgtext = msgtext & ParseURL(strURL).Filename & vbCrLf msgtext = msgtext & ParseURL(strURL).Query & vbCrLf MsgBox msgtext, vbInformation End Sub
'É só testar