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  Visual Basic    (ActiveX/Controles/DLL)

Título da Dica:  Centralizar imagem num form MDI
Postada em 25/2/2002 por MarceloGomes            
Primeiro, dentro do form MDI, crie 3 objetos PictureBox, sendo que o Picture3 agrupa o Picture2 e Picture1 (ou seja, desenhe primeiro o Picture3 e depois desenhe o Picture1 e o Picture2 dentro do Picture3).
Coloque o Picture3 e o Picture1 do tamanho total do MDI.  Deixe o Picture2 num tamanho normal.

Depois, crie nas declaracoes do MDI, coloque o seguinte código:

Type BITMAP '24 bytes
    bmType As Long
    bmWidth As Long
    bmHeight As Long
    bmWidthBytes As Long
    bmPlanes As Integer
    bmBitsPixel As Integer
    bmBits As Long
End Type

    Left As Long
    Top As Long
    Right As Long
    Bottom As Long
End Type

Public Sub ResizeCenterWallpaper()
    Dim Rc As RECT
    Dim bmWallpaper As BITMAP
    Dim iSX As Integer, iSY As Integer, iX As Integer
    Dim iY As Integer, iWidth As Integer, iHeight As Integer
    Dim dAspect As Double
    hMDIClientwnd& = FindWindowEx(Me.hWnd, 0, "MDIClient", vbNullString)
    GetWindowRect hMDIClientwnd&, Rc
    hdc& = Picture2.hdc
    iWidth = (Rc.Right - Rc.Left) ' = rc.Width
    iHeight = (Rc.Bottom - Rc.Top) ' = rc.Height
    Picture2.Width = iWidth * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
    Picture2.Height = iHeight * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
    GetObject Picture1.Image, 24, bmWallpaper
    iSX = bmWallpaper.bmWidth ' The current width of the picture
    iSY = bmWallpaper.bmHeight ' The current height of the picture
    dAspect = iSX / iSY
    If (iSX > iWidth) Then
        iSX = iWidth
        iSY = iWidth / dAspect
    End If
    If (iSY > iHeight) Then
        iSX = iHeight * dAspect
        iSY = iHeight
    End If
    iX = ((iWidth - iSX) / 2) ' Left of picture
    iY = ((iHeight - iSY) / 2) ' Top of picture
    hBrush& = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(130, 130, 130)) ' Select a background color
    hOldBrush& = SelectObject(hdc&, hBrush&)
    ' Fill Top of wallpaper
    Rc.Left = 0
    Rc.Top = 0
    Rc.Right = iWidth
    Rc.Bottom = iY
    FillRect hdc&, Rc, hBrush&
    ' Fill Bottom of wallpaper
    Rc.Left = 0
    Rc.Top = iY + iSY
    Rc.Right = iWidth
    Rc.Bottom = iHeight
    FillRect hdc&, Rc, hBrush&
    ' Fill Left of wallpaper
    Rc.Left = 0
    Rc.Top = iY
    Rc.Right = iX
    Rc.Bottom = iY + iSY
    FillRect hdc&, Rc, hBrush&
    ' Fill Right of wallpaper
    Rc.Left = iX + iSX
    Rc.Top = iY
    Rc.Right = iWidth
    Rc.Bottom = iY + iSY
    FillRect hdc&, Rc, hBrush&

    SelectObject hdc&, hOldBrush& ' Reset Brush
    StretchBlt hdc&, iX, iY, iSX, iSY, Picture1.hdc, 0, 0, bmWallpaper.bmWidth, bmWallpaper.bmHeight, vbSrcCopy
    Me.Picture = Picture2.Image ' Set the new Picture
End Sub

Feito isso, coloque isto no MDI.Load..

    Picture1.Visible = False
    Picture2.Visible = False
    Picture3.Visible = False
    Picture1.Container = Picture3
    Picture2.Left = 0
    Picture2.Top = 0
    Picture1.Left = 0
    Picture1.Top = 0
    Picture1.ScaleMode = vbPixels

Após isso feito, no evento Resize do MDI, coloque isso:


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